
FNGs: None
Warm Up:

SSH x20 IC

Fazio arm circles forwards & backwards – x10 IC

Chinook regular and reverse – x10 IC

Overhead clap – x10 IC

Seal clap – x10 IC

The Workout:

Mosey to Rovisys and that awesome ramp

Along the way Good morning x10 IC, Squats x10 IC


At Rovisys – three corners, 1 at the bottom of the ramp, 1 at the top, 1 at the top of the big downhill at the parking lot entrance

Round 1 – 5 Burpees at each corner with Burpee broad jumps to go up the ramp (mosey between other corners)

Round 2 – 10 Turkish Getups at each corner, bear crawl ramp

Round 3 – 15 merkins at each corner, crawl the ramp with hands and feet on opposite rails

Round 4 was on the mosey back to the AO as we were running short on time. We did 20 squats at 3 stops along the way back


Low slow flutter – x20 IC

Heel taps – x20 IC


F3 South Wake Picnic October 12th. Location to be confirmed – likely either Lake Wheeler or Harris Lake from 11am – 2pm. UTI has the Q.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Steamboat for continuing to get after it – everyone else on his team says it’s too early.


YHC – migraine issues lately.

Noah’s Ark’s M Michelle – good results so far from Mayo Clinic.