What’s the count?

EC: Cowboy, Cupid, Katniss, GoGurt, Yogurt

FNGs: Chico (from Williamsport PA, home of Little League), brought in by Schlitz, and Falwell (Liberty University graduate), brought in by Banana Seat
Warm Up: SSH x35, arm circles 15xF/15xB, seal claps 15x, overhead claps 15x, tricep stretches, Michael Phelps, pickle pounders 15x
The Workout: I focused on some of the more difficult exercises I’ve done at Cletus. We started by moseying to the double tennis courts, then partnering up for wheelbarrows. Planned to paint the service lines, but when we got there, I realized that would be too short for this PAX. Modified and went all the way to net instead. We had PAX of 18, so if we had pairs at each corner of the two courts, that would cover 16 PAX. So, the extra pair worked in the middle. I paired with FNG Falwell and he really took off on this one! He was moving strong and fast was the wheel. Everyone rinsed and repeated until each PAX had completed four turns as the wheel. I could hear the PAX grunting with effort throughout, including YHC.

Mosey to The Pit. Time for some 11s! This is definitely not an original exercise, but I wanted to get in some running. Here, we ran from sideline to sideline, maybe 80 yards or so. Mountain climbers on near end and star jumps on the far end. Always concerned about losing count, especially on 11s, I did great until we reached 9 on the near side, when I asked Snap, “Where are we? Two?” Duh.

What’s Cletus without a little hill work? Thanks Slide Rule. This time I decided to keep the count simple. Seven Derkins at the top, seven WWIIs at the bottom. Even I could keep up with the count on this one. “If you can’t Q it, don’t do it.” I guess this applies to counting as well. Was planning to start with WWIIs, but Banana Seat had different ideas. I must have reached the limit of 30 seconds of explaining the exercise when he took off up the hill. This man likes to keep moving!

Earlier in the week, I had promised a return to classic Cletus exercises, so time for BTW! PAX found a spot on the brick wall outside the east end of the Hunt Center. Easy count of 10, followed by 10 squats with good form. Form should mimic how you would squat with a barbell on your shoulders–chin up, chest out, butt out. Breach suggested that a good way to do that is by doing prisoner squats, so we did.

Time to mosey to far parking lot, COT, name FNGs, and join Crazy Ivan for their COT and bidding on Breathtaker–new charity for month of August.

Mary: Cupid led some planks with arm raises on each side while I got my phone.

Announcements: FB, Slack
T-Claps (Recognition): Slide Rule for leading July’s Breathtaker fund-raising for Meg’s Smile. About $6,700, which enough for about two “smiles.”
Prayer: Help doctor’s diagnose Noah’s Ark’s wife’s illness. Keep him strong while supporting.