Still hard a year later…

PAX of 18 to celebrate YHC 1 year anniversary by revisiting his first F3 workout. One year ago today, Stark made his triumphant return to South Wake with an epic beatdown at Paradise City. YHC was an innocent victim merloting not once, but twice during the workout. An honor Midget likes to remind me of at least weekly, if not more often.

Thanks to all who came out to support me today. More importantly, thanks to the men of South Wake for the support, encouragement and accountability over the last year. Just showing up was one of the best things I’ve ever done. My life has changed because of and continues to be enriched by you HIM. Thanks to you all, especially 187 and Pablo for the headlock.

FNGs: None – its probably for the best.

EC: Cowboy, Lucky Charms, Dawgpound, Warbucks, Maybelline, Aquaman, Axe, Dahmer, Dumbo, WebEx (EC only)

Warm Up:Quick warmup jog
SSH x20, Windmills x10, Imperials Walkers x10, Hillbillies x10
½ mile jog with warmps – Good Mornings x10, Windmills x10, Fazio Arm Circles x10, Stretches

The Workout: 6 Cones were set up about 10 yards apart.  YHC instructed the PAX to bear crawl (round 1), lunge walk (round 2), Bunny Jump (round 3) and partner wheelbarrow (round 4) to each cone and perform the exercise associated with that cone.

B- Burpees – Cone 1 x5 – Total = 20
L – Lunges – Cone 2 x10 – Total = 40
I – Imperial Walkers– Cone 3 x15 – Total = 60
M – Merkins– Cone 4 x20 – Total = 80
P – Plank Jacks– Cone 5 x25 – Total = 100
S – Squats– Cone 6 x30 – Total = 120

Mary: LBC’s x15, Low slow flutter x15, Homer to Marge x30

Prayer: Child injured in Fuquay this weekend. Coal Ash grandmother.

Original workout –
Thanks for the opportunity to lead you HIM. I’ll do better next time!