
FNGs: none
Warm Up: Jog around the block, circle up in the town hall parking lot.

  • 15 x side straddle hops
  • 10 x good mornings
  • 10 x daisy pickers
  • Fazio Arms (10 forwards / 10 backwards)

The Workout I took a page from the Nemo workout book and did a variation of his rock work routine from a few weeks back. Each PAX grabbed a rock and gathered at the semicircle for some rep exercises.

  • Curls for the girls (5 x lower half, 5 x upper half, 5 x full)
  • Jog to other side for 10 Merkins
  • Jog back by way of the lower parking lot, up the stairs and back to start
  • 15 x Louganis (WWIIs w/ rock)
  • Jog to other side, 10 x Merkins
  • Jog back (adding a bunny hop up the stairs)
  • 10 tricep curls
  • Jog to other side, 10 x Merkins
  • Jog back, bear crawling up the stairs
  • 10 sumo squat with rock
  • Jog to other side, 10 x Merkins
  • Jog back, bunny hop up stairs
  • 15 ground pounders
  • Jog to other side, 10 x Merkins
  • Jog back, bear crawl up the stairs
  • 10 wonderbras
  • Jog to other side, 10 x Merkins

At this point, we had some more time, so we started back with Curls for the girls, 10 merkins, then Louganis (increasing to 15), 10 merkins, and then some more tricep curls. We probably could have done another round or two, but YHC is still getting his timing right. Off to Mary.
Mary: Plank for 10, then:

  • 10 x pickle pounder
  • 10 x Australian Snow Angels
  • Outlaws (10 clockwise / 10 counter clockwise)
  • 15 x Homer to Marge
  • Have a good day

Announcements: New AO starting on Wednesday at Womble (0530).
T-Claps (Recognition): Yogurt, for getting me out to F3 in the first place, and Nemo, for giving me the opportunity to Q my first workout.
Prayer: Everyone’s parents, especially those dealing with illnesses currently.