3 Mile Island of Pain


Warmup:  20 Fozie Arm Circles, 10 Good Mornings, 20 SSH, 15 Daisy Pickers, 10 Windmills, 10 OYO Burpees, 10 Emperial Walkers, 10 Hillbillies, 15 ct Pigeon Poses

The Workout

Mosey to the Rock Pile – rotate around rocks between sets.  Pikachu picked a rock the shape of South Carolina but the size of a truck tire to play with.

  • 4 sets of 20’s – Curls for the girls
  • 4 sets of 20’s  – Overhead Overhead Tri-press
  • 4 sets of 10’s – Ground Pounders
  • 2 Sets of 10’s – Windshield Wipers and Bench Press
  • 2 Set of 10’s – Rockies and 6 inches

Mosey to the Wall for 3 sets of 35 ct Wall Sits – Prisoner, Al Gore, Standard. YHC explained that BTTWs were out due to broken blood vessels is the eyes that make me look like I have pink eye for a week.  Doc was up to his usual antics with the count downs and YHC had fun with Peak at You’s name which made for some of the best Mumble Chatter in F3SW.

Mosey to the Playground for Aik’n Station Time:

  • 2 sets of 10’s – Shoulder Tap Planks, Dips, Standard Merkins
  • 2 sets of 20’s – Step Ups, Squats, Mountain Climbers
  • 2 sets of 20’s – LBCs, WWIIs, LSFs
  • 10’s – Hand Release Merkins, Dips, 30 ct Supermans
  • 20’s – H2M single legs, Pickle Pounders, Plank Jacks,
  • Finished the workout off with 3 sets of 5ct-10ct Boat Canoes.

Announcements:  Truth In Nature Skeet Shoot fundraiser needs F3 support, Womble Park Memorial Day Murph is on (details in Slack Announcements soon),  GP closed June 1st, Dauber happy to be back in the Gloom after 2 weeks of injury recovery (F3 is just good for the soul).

Prayer Requests:  Drew Pescaro is one of the UNCC Shooting victims (friend of Motor Boatin’s family) and is recovering from intestinal surgeries. Continued prayers for F3 brothers dealing with injuries like Shredder.

YHC took us out.

T-Claps (Recognition): T-Claps for double downs: Pikachu logged over 15 miles at U-Turn before posting GP and Peeping Tom posted @ Whiplash beat down. Also, our brother 3 Mile (named for local Nuclear Power Plant & love for running) for posting DR all the way from Johnson City, TN.