Is this just a warm up?
Downtown Train has been an interesting AO, never know what to expect. This week YHC rolled up for EC and headed out solo at 0506 for 2.2 miles to Womble and the long way back. As I rolled back in the lot I saw a few cars including an overloaded clown car from 12 Oaks. One consistent part of DT as been that guys show up and just want to put in the work and have a strong start to their week. Here’s another DT disclaimer, my company has tagged the F3 site as high risk because they think it is associated with gambling, so I am not able to do my BB when I hit the office. Thing is, by the end of the day it’s a given if I did not record name-o-rama I will forget a couple #HIM. We had 9 this morning and if I failed to tag you let me know so I can update and give credit where credit is due.
FNGs: None today
Warm Up: On the jog around the big block and circle up in start lot. ICx15 Good Mornings/Daisy Pickers/Goof Balls. Did a couple rounds. On the jog to the back lot traffic circle for arm stretches.
The Workout: Jog down library hill to the pool lot for a few sets of LBC/6 hold/low slow flutters without rest. Wash, rinse repeat a few times. On the jog back up library hill and over to what is now known as “Craigslist Corner” aka the side lot by the book drop where we usually see a few suspicious passing vehicles. Each set up in a parking spot and we did ICx20 Mt Cllimbers/SSH/Tempo Merkins. Wash, rinse repeat for 3 full sets and those tempo merkins were hurting. On the jog back to start we circled up for a Fazio Arm Circle burnout with 3 sets doing ICx15 forward – 10 count hold – ICx15 reverse.
Mary: 2 full rounds of plank-o-rama as the 1st time around did not seem to stick with the “plank” part of the plan.
Announcements: Safety training Thu night – chip in batteries or detectors, Dad’s Camp registration is now live, for real
T-Claps (Recognition): Great to meet Abe, who has posted at Cletus the past couple weeks and joined us for DT this morning – strong work today
Prayer: Continued prayers for Moby, his Dad and family, the rest were unspoken and YHC took us out