Beach Body Kick Off

Perfect gloom weather this morning. YHC got there early to set out some cones and floor ladder to get back to some agility work. Four PAX was in attendance. Let’s do it.

Warm Up:
Lap around track with high knees and butt kickers
Square up
SSH x25 IC
Mtn climbers x25 IC
Matt Biondi’s x25 IC
Finkle Swings x10 IC each leg (the laces were in)

The Workout:
Ladder drills with cones at the end
– 10 squats before drill
– 10 diamond merkins after drill
– 4 rds feet – 1 rd hands

Obama 44th POTUS – bear crawl 4 hand steps then 4 merkins (11 times)
Plenty of time on YHC’s garmin so we decided to repeat but with a twist.
Crab walk 4 hand steps then 4 big boy sit ups (11 times)
H1N1 said we can call this the Obama AND Michelle

Mosey over to the rock pile
Rock curls for 5 mins
– AMRAP for 45 secs on, hold rock 15 sec rest, R&R
Jello arms to follow on the mosey back to warm up area

Not So Lazy Boys (10 sec count back, then right, then left, then back)
Side star crunches, knee up x10 IC, switch sides
Exaggerated LSF x20 IC
6 inch cork screws x20 IC

Name-o-Rama was totally skipped this morning. Guess we all knew each other well and didn’t think about it.

Q school next Thursday @ 6:30 Womble Park Ampitheater, slack and FB has the rest

FedEx family, 9 yr old passed away last week, H1N1 travels, Norm training 12 weeks this summer, Norm’s friend passed away from HS, Cupid’s grandma recovery

PAX discussed starting a 3-5 mins wrap up at end of each workout to discuss nutrition with help of Banana Seats M. More details to follow.

Cupid will have the VQ next week with some H1N1 assistance. Way to step up so quickly.

Great work out there. Getting those beach bodies started now will pay off in a couple quick months.

BS Out!