8 PAX @ Ground Pounder for Clockwork, Bear Crawl Trains, and Crab City Dips
With a strong contingent of SouthWake HIM running Wrightsville this weekend, YHC wasn’t sure what to expect for a turnout this morning at Ground Pounder. The week prior, Doc put together one of the best solo Q Back Blasts in as long as I can remember, and was hoping I had a circle of trust this week instead of the point of trust he experienced last week. Received a soft commit from Bobby Dall last night and was hoping for a few more so that I could introduce a few special exercises into this morning’s workout. As I gathered the last of my gear before heading out, I received a message from Nemo indicating that he’d be there with Lipstick after their U-Turn run.
Pulled into Jones Park at about 7:13, shuffled through some Amazon tunes to find a Banana Seat inspired track to end Mary with and proceeded with the traditional shovel flag plant. First clown car rolled in and it was Cupid, who had headlocked his brother-in-law into this morning’s workout. This morning was off to a great start with 3, including an FNG. Bobby Dall quickly turned his SC into an HC as he rolled in, followed by Reddenbacher and Swish. Nemo and Lipstick as promised joined the crowd and now we had a party.
With 3 minutes before game time, YHC gave the disclaimer, covering the fine print. 7:30 hit and we were off with a quick lap around the lot then circling up for the following exercises.
Warm Up: SSH X20, Hillbillies X20, Good Morning’s X10, Fazio Arm Circles 10F\10B, Michael Phelps as YHC gave instruction on first segment of workout, which would be some upper body work, but not before a quick run across the water toward Veteran’s Park
The Workout: PAX proceeded down the trail toward Veteran’s Park, side stepping a few puddles along the way. Made our way to side parking area in front of the picnic shelter. YHC instructed PAX to plank hold, leaving enough room in front and to each side to rotate as we would be performing some clockwork merkins. Started at 1 o’clock and moving all the way to 12 o’clock. With the chest adequately warmed up, mosey’d to the picnic shelter where we performed some Slide Rule Erkin, Derkins, and Dips X 10. Inserted an extra round of Step Ups X 10 and Prison Squats X 10 to get blood flowing back to the legs. Indian Run back to the originating parking lot and on to Jones Playground.
At the playground, YHC shared a new exercise known as the Crab City Dip, which was inspired by our very own AXE with a slight modification that was introduced by my 2.0. For those that don’t know AXE (AX w\an E) is the coolest phys ed teacher according to my youngest and she came home one day and said that AXE has them do an exercise in class called ‘Crab City’ (which is basically a shoulder tap exercise in crab position). She demonstrated it a few months ago on a bottom step, but added a dip at the end….So there you have it…Crab City Dip was born. My first Q at Ground Pounder and of course we had to insert this gem.
PAX occupied each stone wall 4 on each side as YHC lead a set of Crab City Dips X10 in cadence. PAX then mosey’d to the rock pile. Ground Pounder just isn’t Ground Pounder unless you hit the rock pile at least once during the workout. Instructed PAX to pick a rock they would be challenged doing reps of 15-20 with. This would be their rock for this next segment and would not be rotating amongst PAX.
For this next segment, YHC informed PAX that the following exercises would be performed between the speed bumps, which were about 30 yrds apart. PAX started at the originating speed bump and got the arms warmed up with some Curls for the Girls X20. John Cusack’d to the opposite speed bump, where PAX performed a set of Goblet Squats with the Rock X 15. PAX put their rocks down along the fence and were instructed to form a line from the speed bump, leaving enough room to get in plank position, head to foot with each PAX in a line. We would be doing an Indian Bear Crawl Train, where the PAX from behind would bear crawl forward until we hit the originating speed bump in front. As the bear crawler proceeded forward, remaining PAX held plank with YHC alternating exercises intermittently to keep all involved (Left arm up, Right arm up, Regular, Shoulder Taps X 20). With the speed bump end point tapped, PAX got on their six and performed some core exercises- LBC X20, Freddy Mercury X20. Brief 5 count and then a wind sprint to the opposite speed bump.
PAX reunited with their rocks and performed the following series of exercises- Tricep press x 20, Squat hold w\rock for a 5 count, Shoulder Press X 20. Lunge walk to the opposite speed bump and at the halfway point butt kickers to the end. PAX performed a set of Boat Canoe’s X 20 and then a final wind sprint back to the speed bump to pick up their rocks. On their six, PAX performed chest presses X 20. John Cusack’d the rocks back to the pile and mosey’d back to the parking lot starting point.
For PAX that have experienced some of my Q’s at Crazy Ivan, you know I’m a fan of parking spaces, so it only seemed fitting that we do some parking space crawls and curb work. Each PAX occupied a parking space and bear crawled to the opposite space that had a cement curb waiting for them. PAX performed a plank hold for the six on the curb and then performed 10 Erkins in cadence. Lunge walk back to opposite parking space. Bear Crawl back to curb for one last set of Erkins x10.
Circled up for Mary.
Mary: As mentioned earlier in this BB, I had shuffled through Amazon tunes and found a Banana Seat inspired track. Last night as I was viewing the Wrightsville name-o-rama on the FB feed, 2 things hit me 1) I continue to be in awe of the giant circle that just keeps growing year after year for this race and 2) that is a killer stache BS is sporting. Decided to Bring Sally up and Bring Sally Down varying 45 and 60 degrees with alternating ups and downs, followed by Have a Nice Day!
With 3 minutes left, we had to give our new FNG brother an F3 Name. Our FNG this morning (Hospital Name: Chris) shared that he is originally from Atlanta and an engineer, currently residing in Fuquay. YHC having been in Atlanta the week before for some reason had the Atlanta Hawks fresh on his mind, so naturally we paid homage to an NBA star from Atlanta who engineered some of the greatest dunks of all time in the 80’s- Spud Webb. Welcome, Spud! We are better because you are here. Hope to see back in the gloom next week.
Announcements: Wrightsville Half and Full today, Tobacco Half and Full next week. Any Given Sunday tomorrow.
Prayer: Lots of prayers this morning. Prayers to keep all those running today safe and healthy. Cupid’s grandmother, Lipstick’s mother-in-law. Shredder for continued healing post surgery, Double D and his family, Moby and his dad. Continued prayers for Crab Legs and all those unspoken.