When all else fails, bring in the pain sticks
YHC (EC) wanted to lead a beat down that wouldn’t be forgotten to blue hen (EC), slide rule, da business, norm, wiggly, short pole, fromunga, Smithers, Cupid, UTI and breach
Warm Up: jogged around parking lot at the school, met in front for SSH x 20 IC, daisy pickers x 10 IC, morracan night clubs x 20 IC and some leg stretching
The Workout: split into groups of three. One ran counter clockwise around lot with pain stick to his partners who bear crawled/ reversed lunges clock wise. Q had a few cards in his pocket that were randomly called out;
wide grip merkin x 16
hand release merkin x 15
monkey humpers x 17 IC
SSHx 100
calf raises x 100
standard merkin x 25
Oblique crunches x 15 IC
smurf jacks x 25 IC (chilcutt plank jacks)
carolina dry docks x 14
Mary: final beat down was the Bruce lee named after the martial artist who did these core exercises daily in sets of three
american hammers x 10 IC
leg raises x 10
lbc x 20 IC
heel Touches x 10 IC
boat canoes x 10 IC
pax thought we finished after set one, managed to squeeze one more round out
Announcements: dads 2.0 this Saturday 8:45 at womble, q source todaybat Starbucks, slide rule opening up donation wallet to ALS
Prayer:crab legs, Smithers starting a new job, lipsticks mother in law, norm has national guard this weekend
taken out by YHC
It’s been a great run at the nut. Happy to fill in when needed
Flanigan out