Friendly New Site Q
This morning marks a new era in the brief history at Purple Cobra. YHC took over as site Q following Peeping Tom’s reign of terror. PAX of 22 showed up to partake in the fun with 6 for an eventful EC. Chips made an early departure after a (hopefully minor) injury during EC run. T-claps to Emeril and Pablo for getting him back safely in proper F3 fashion.
Warm Up:
Standard Warm-up lap
SSH x25 IC
Imperial Walkers x10 IC
Hilbillies x10 IC
Morocan Night Clubs x10 IC
Windmills x10 IC
Mountain Climbers x10 IC
The Workout:
Mosey to Goodwill lot to meet some new friends. PAX circled up for:
Jack Webb 1:3 up to 10:30
Recovery lap around lot
Dan Taylor 1:3 up to 10:30
Recovery lap around lot
Captain Thor 1:4 up to 10:40
Recovery lap around lot
PAX then showed off some moves during Hey y’all watch this. PAX called out:
5 burpees
10 Freddy Mercury IC
10 turkish getups
10 diamond merkins
Catch Emeril if you can – good work Dumbo!
10 wide grip merkins
10 reverse merkins
20 pickle pounders
YHC was exhausted, so PAX mosey’d back for Mary.
Homer to Marge x10 slow
Fire Hydrants x15/leg
Low slow flutter x10 IC
LBCs x20 IC
Have a Nice Day
The Mule 3/9, 2.0 Workout this weekend 9am @ Womble
Chips, Lipstick’s Mother in Law, Officer Ainsworth, Crablegs, Mobie’s dad
YHC took us out.