Disney Qswap
33 Pax from Southwake, Carpex, and Raleigh came to the best place on earth to see what Carpex had to offer in the Qswap. Q was Shut-in. Backblast is from memory and a few days old. If you were missed, please let me know and I can add you.
Warm Up:
SSH, fazio arm circles forward and back, overhead hand claps
The Workout:
Mosey to the big parking lot for exercises. Run around the big lot stopping at the islands to conduct hand release merkins. Partner up for bull frog burpees down one side of the lot while the partner ran the length of the lot and back. Mosey to the flag with stop for Australian mountain climber
QSwap continues, Rebuilding homes in Eastern NC affected by hurricane is still ongoing every weekend,
crab legs, parent going through surgery, Raleigh Police officer shot in the line of duty,