Building Hulk Arms
17 PAX came out to a brisk and clear 40F morning in the gloom to take partake in my first Q!
Warm Up:
Mosey around the track for a 1 lap warm-up.
Good morning x 10 IC, SSH x 20 IC, Cotton pickers x 10 IC, Fazio Arm Circles (forward and back) x 10 IC, Michael Phelps, IW and HB x 10 IC
The Workout: Bring the PAIN!
Began with 5 slides in a basketball defensive stance followed by one burpee. Rinse and repeat adding an additional burpee each time until the roundabout was reached.
Mosey’d to the rockpile and each PAX picked out a rock and circled up for some heavy lifting. Q called an audible and had PAX rotate to the right and workout with another PAX’s selected rock. Proceeded with the workout – Curls for the girls, overhead triceps, ruh-rohs, and rock merkins (10 with left left hand on rock and switched for 10 more with right hand on rock).
Returned rocks and mosey’d to picnic shelter for some irkins, dirkins, merkins, and dips. Performed 10 count of each exercise IC. Some mubble chatter about a 10 count but Q continued on with a rinse and repeat.
Finished out the beat-down with three rounds of Balls to the Walls and Preacher Chairs for 30 seconds each exercise.
Around the horn for 10-count exercises: diamond merkins, box cutters, LBCs, low slow flutters, burpees, WWIIs, pickle pounders, reverse LBCs, boat canoes, homer to marge, Freddie Mercuries, burpees OYO, mountain climbers, Carolina wine mixers, X-Men crosses, finished with 3 burpees, 2 merkins, and 5 WWIIs
Prayer: Ausfart, LED’s coworker, PAX looking for job. Families celebrating first Christmas without loved ones.
2nd F provided by Lipsync – coffee and donuts