12 Days of Christmas, Foxworthy Style
EC run: 187, Skidmark, LED, Cowboy, Lipstick, Yogurt
Yoga EC: Crosby, Emeril, Pikachu, Sliderule, Wiggly
PAX of 22 enjoyed a helping of redneck culture on this cool, rainy morning
Warm Up: SSH 25, GM 20, shoulder/tricep stretches 10 count, Moroccan night clubs (20 shoulders back), Fozio arm circles F10/R10, erkins 10.
The Workout: Following Jeff Foxworthy’s 12 days, Yogurt dished out the following circuit. Partners run opposite direction in loop, converge and complete the Day’s exercise reps upon three meetings (3x).
12 Pack o’ Bud – Wheelbarrow, 1+ burpees upon switch, modify to lunge walk as needed (try to keep it under 12 burpees for the circuit)
11 wrastlin’ tickets – No wrastlin’, but broke back merkins instead (3×11)
10 o’ Copenhagen – That tin goes in your back pocket, so on your 6, then 10 WWIIs (3×10)
9 years’ probation – 9 prisoner squats – self explanatory (3×9)
8 table dancers – 8 pickle pounders – self explanatory (3×8)
No time for the following 7 day of Christmas:
7 packs of Redman – Again, that ‘backer goes in your back pocket (LBCs)
6 cans of Spam – 6 crunches
5 flanel shirts – hand release merkins
4 big mud tires – 4 IC Freddie Mercuries
3 shotgun shells – 3 star jumps
2 huntin’ dawgs – 2 downward dogs
And some parts to a Mustang G.T. – 12 merkins just because parts is parts
Mary: Foot strengthening exercises – Using fence as balance bar, in cadence, (1) slightly bend knees, (2) roll to balls of feet, keeping knees bent (this is where you’ll feel the strengthening), (3) straighten knees, staying on balls of feet, (4) return to starting position. These ballet exercises will strengthen your feet, helping to prevent plantar fasciitis and other foot injuries. Other Mary: low slow flutter.
Announcements: CSAUP Saturday 12/15/18, begins and ends at Womble Park, 6-10 am. Support vehicle driven by Forceps. Bring water, food, change of clothing for rain. Also, Breach says wear RED on Fridays to remember and support troops who are deployed.
Prayer: Double D’s wife and recovery from surgery, Pablo’s mom’s recovery, Ausfart, and PAX in general.