The Slide Rule Guilt Trip
Special thanks to Slide Rule for guilting Dauber and Nemo into posting GP but then bailing out.
Warm up:
10’s – Good Mornings, Daisy Pickers, Windmills, Emperial Walkers, Hillbillies and 20 SSH
The Workout
Mosey to Bathrooms
3 sets 20 ct Wall sits & Balls to the Walls
Mosey to the Rock Pile – rotate rocks around circle between sets
- 4 sets of 20’s – Curls,
- 4 sets of 20’s Overhead Tri-press
- 4 sets of 15’s Ground Pounders (Deep Squat w/ Overhead press)
- 20 Windshield Wipers with Rock extensions
Mosey to Playground for Aik’n Stations
- Aik’n Abs: 20 LBCs, 15 Rockies, 20 ct 6 inches & Chillcut Planks
- Aik’n Arms: 10 Merkins, 10 Dips, 10 Derkins, 10 ct standard plank (rinse and repeat twice)
- Aik’n Legs: 20 Step ups, 20 Squats , 20 lunges, 10 Star Jumps
- Aik’n Abs: 20 cts of Pickle Pounders, WWIIs, Homer to Marge, Box Cutters
- Aik’n Arms: 15 Hand Release Merkins, 20 ct Superman & Shoulder tap planks
- Aik’n Legs: 20 ct Squat hold, Mountain Climbers, SSH, High Knees, 7 OYO double Merkin Burpees
Announcements: Nemo’s Ugly Sweater Christmas Party tonight (special thanks to Jeanette), Reminder to sign up for Wrightsville if you haven’t already.
Prayer Requests: For health and happiness for the Men and families of F3, For all the students dealing with the stress of finals and major papers/projects, Lipstick’s Grandmother dealing with Dementia, for DD and his family going through a tough time, for everyone’s marriage (reminder that we are one in Christ and to reflect His love for us through our relationships with our spouse)