Saddle up partner
25 men posted on a questionably warm morning for a Virgin Q. It appears the men always turn out for the virgins. Great job by Cowboy stepping up and taking the lead.
EC: Pablo, 187, Cowboy, Crosby, Skidmark, CHiPs, Yogurt, PSI. Pablo is a HC for BRR next year. Confirmed this morning. Way to step up Pablo and lead by example. Freed to Lead.
Warm Up: Took a light lap around Ting Park with intermittent stops for SSH, Good Mornings, Monkey Humpers, Daisy Pickers, Frankensteins all in cadence for a 20 count.
The Workout: 4 Corners: Corner 1 – 10 Squat Jumps Sprint to Corner 2 Corner 2 – 10 Squat Jumps, and 20 (in cadence) Imperial Walkers Lunge Walk to Corner 3 Corner 3 – 10 Squat Jumps, and 20 (in cadence) Imperial Walkers, 30 Bobby Hurleys Sprint to Corner 4 Corner 4 – 10 Squat Jumps, and 20 (in cadence) Imperial Walkers, 30 Bobby Hurleys, 40 Prisoner Squats Lunge Walk to Corner 1 Mosey to the base of Ting Hill (the Ramp). Run backwards to the trash can and complete 50 LBCs Sprint down the hill and complete 5 Burpees Run backwards all the way to the top of the hill and complete 50 LBCs Sprint down the hill and complete 5 Burpees and hold plank for the 6 (or until Skidmark made folks do pushups)
Mary: Around the circle PAX choice for a 10 count exercises. Consisted of some merkins, squats, al gores, low slow flutter, pickle pounders, homer to marge, and others.
Announcements: South Wake CSAUP – 15-Dec 6-10 AM, ~10 Miles with multiple beat downs, begins and ends at Womble Park. Pikachu is coordinating and sign up is on Slack and Facebook Brony brought up Hello Kitty from Carpex working in graphic design who will be putting together some design options for new South Wake logos. 187 indicated others are looking into this as well. Look to facebook for more information or reach out to Brony.
Prayer: Remember always (but especially during the holidays) to make sure you are there and present for your spouse and family. Unspoken requests are out there I am sure