More LBCs than Squats?
Warm Up:
Normal lap around parking lot and onto Sunset Lake Rd. We did karaoke up to the light while UTI took the crown on the new Cobra Sunrise Strava segment.
Circled up by the flag and did the following:
Moroccan Nightclubs IC x15
Imperial Walkers IC x15
Hillbillies IC x15
Frankenstein Kicks IC x15
The Workout:
Mosey over to the Urgent Care parking lot across Holly Springs Rd
Partnered up for Burp Back Mountain
Mosey over to the Dollar Tree drive thru
Partnered up for Chicken Peckers and People’s Chair
Done IC 30, 20, 10 – switching each time
Mosey over to parking lot by the Dry Cleaners
Partnered up for Dora (modified 1,2,3)
Partner 1 did lunges to the 2nd tree and back
Partner 2 did 50 merkins, 100 squats, and 150 LBCs
YHC didn’t realize that usually Pax do more squats than LBCs.
Circled up and did the following:
Boat Canoe IC x10
Russian Hammer IC x10
Homer to Marge IC x15
South Wake Beer Mile 10/13 @ CBC
New shirt design coming for HSHM?
Carpex CSAUP date?