
Lots of Pole and a Fire Hydrant

YHC returned from a minor medical procedure to continue the 75 Hard journey and take the lead at Thunder. I haven’t been to this AO in awhile, so I was stoked to lead these guys. A ridiculously humid night, nobody left dry. The group chalked up over a mile and stopped more times than I can count.

FNG’s: no…but a cool cat visitor from F3 Concord…Yellowcake!
Warm Up: Good Mornings
The Workout: We took the Stinson/Grigsby sidewalk loop the whole way around to the back of Womble. It was roughly a mile and we stopped at every pole (either power or sign) for a series of exercises focused on Legs, Core, or Upper body. At each stop we either did 10 reps or 15 reps. We began each series with burpees. At each stop, we increased burpees from 1-5, then 5-1, then 1-5, then 5-1, giving us 50 burpees total by nights end. Exercises for the night included: Squats, Star Jumps, Donkey Kicks IC, Alternate Lunges IC, Fire Hydrants, Money Humpers IC, Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Curb Dips, Hand-Release Merkins, Nipplers IC, Annies IC, Shoulder Taps IC, Pickle Pounders IC, WW2’s, Freddie Mercury IC, Taps IC, Dying Cockroach, LBC’s IC, Homer to Marge IC. The last couple stops going back into the park featured some rock work including, Curls for the Girls, Triceps, Shoulder Press, Chest Press, Skull Crushers, Rock Merkins.
Mary: Built In
Announcements: Bobby Boucher is taking over as 2nd F Q. Stubs is back!!!!
T-Claps (Recognition): Wild Turkey shaking it out after his whipping of the Missoula Marathon!
Prayer: YHC took us out. UTI and some health issues.

Visitor for VC

The Workout:About 9 miles and we all doubled down with Thunder.
T-Claps (Recognition): Excellent work Yellowcake! Thanks for joining us.

Alphabet Soup

FNGs: Swiss Miss

Warm Up: Merkins, SSH, Imperial Walkers, Good Mornings

The Workout:  PAX jogged down from the tennis courts for a quick warmup in front of the amphitheater.  From there we took the amphitheater concrete for a name game workout.   This workout was one of my favorite Thunder workouts led by John Deere.  Small change was made to the workout in that for more popular letters I added an additional exercise so we didn’t over utilize one exercise.  We picked a PAX Member and then worked thru the exercises that spelt their name.  We made it thru all the PAX with some slight modification.  Only spelt Yellow for Yellow Cake and Midget for Midget for Life.


A– Choose your own Ab Exercise                               N-Nipplers or Nolan Ryan

B– Burpee or Balls to Wall                                          O-One Leg Burpee or OYO Exercise

C– Carolina Dry Dock or Chilly Jacks                       P-Patty Cake Merkin(team)

D- Derkin or Dips                                                          Q-Q Choice

E- E2K (Mary) or Escalator (stepups)                       R-Reverse Crunch or Russian Dips

F- Fire Drill or Flutter Kicks                                        S-SSH or Smurf Jacks

G-Goofball or Guantanamo                                         T-Turkish Get Up or T Merkin

H- Hand Release Merkin or Homer 2M                   U-Up Downs

I-Iron Hulk or Imperial Walker                                 V-Van Goghda

J-Jump Squat                                                                 W- War Hammer

K-KNerkin – Knuckler Merkin                                   X-X’s and O’s

L-LBFC’s                                                                         Y-Yurpee

M-Monkey Humpers or Mountain Climber            Z-Zombie Walk – Lunge Walk over long area


Mary:  We did core work throughout the workout and didn’t have any additional time for Mary.

Announcements: Same stuff we’ve announced all week and on slack

T-Claps (Recognition): N/A

Prayer: Family of girl that was hit by a car.  Some others that I forgot because i’m writing this 2 days later.

Yellow Everything

YHC rolled up to the Veteran’s Park pull up bars to an unfamiliar pax wearing an F3 shirt. Introductions yielded that it was Yellow Cake from F3 Concord. After a few minutes of chatter it was 1900 and we were off.

FNGs: None tonight
Warm Up: Right to the murph
The Workout:

1 mile run

(in sets)

100 pull ups

200 merkins

300 squats

YHC had a dinner engagement (and had done some EC) so the 2nd mile didn’t happen. Yellow Cake took off for the 2nd mile.
Mary: N/A
Announcements: Told Yellow Cake about Pace Yourself Run Club run Tuesday and Thunder on Wednesday.
T-Claps (Recognition): Yellow Cake for posting while on the road
Prayer: Unspoken tonight