
Sheepdog – “ don’t be ninj’in”

“Don’t be ninj’in nobody who don’t need ninj’in.” Diamond Dave

9 Pax Grinded it out in the Gloom this morning with 3 EC (R22, Beater, Shredder).

Warm Up: light jog then Pax circled up. SIR Fazio Arm Circles f&b, Michael Phelps, SSH, Squats, High Knees and Butt Kickers around the parking lot. Moseyed to the back with a little Imperial Walker and Hillbilly Indian Run peppered in.
The Workout: 5 stations; Step ups, Dips, Sticky Fingers, Patty Cake Merkins, while last Pax took a lap.  Rotated after each completed lap. One round

Then, Squat kicks, front kicks, two punch combos, then punch elbo combo, and partner drills.
Mary: plank-a-rama quickly turned into burpees with R22 kicking it off. Rotated through Pax calling out for Mary. Reps of 10.
Announcements: check Slack, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, MySpace, and you local bulletin. . . Kidding aside,  Pikachu‘s announcements really help.
Prayer: Beater took us out. Spoken and unspoken.

Sheepdog – post Turkey

Pax of 3 for a sub-freezing Sheepdog; Dovetail, Sketch, and Shredder.

Warm Up: light jog, SSH, FAS, Windmills, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers and Hillbillies.

The Workout: 50 step ups, dips, merkins (wide arm, military & diamond), derkins, squats, squat kicks, lunges, and a couple laps around the track. Worked on kick deflections and entering into a blood choke.

Mary: LBCs, LSF, Box Cutters

Announcements: CSUP coming up.

Prayer: Sketch’s sister & family

Sheepdog – Leadership

6 PAX got stronger with several stepping up to co-Q: Dovetail, LipSync, Gump, Norm, Scetch, Shredder

Warm Up:

LipSync took our warm up, taken us to a new spot on the block. Good mornings, SSH, Cotten Pickers,  Hill Billy‘s and Imperial walkers.
The Workout:

Moseyed around the side parking lot for the man avail. Started with some speed skaters and then one PAX  let the pace with the 00 strikes while others ran through various exercises; lateral waited polls, dips, erkins ( wide, narrow, diamonds),  waited bicep curls,  squat kicks, jump ropes.  Rinse and repeat with a couple variations. Then PAX traveled back and forth on the brick  knee wall.  End it on a demonstration of a new compliance technique.

Mary:  Gump  Took marry with some LBC, reverse LVC, toe taps, when shield wipers, Homer to Marge,  and some crazy climb your leg like it’s a poll ?!

Announcements:  Dovetail took a out with COT, announcements, some words of wisdom in prayer.

Sheepdog – Winter is Coming

Pax of 3 – Martini, Sketch, Dovetail

Jog the circle
Curb step-ups
Side straddle hop
Moroccan nightclub
Imperial Walkers
Good mornings
Michael Phelps
Walking Samson stretch

Jog to the back
Pike push-ups, then wall step-ups
Pike push-ups, then wall steps with knee strike
Feet-on-the-wall merkins, then box jumps
Dips, fast and then slow

2x: Broad jumps, then bear crawl back
Broad jumps, then high knees back
Squat front kicks

CQC: MACH techniques 1-4

One down, two-ups
X-man crunch

Carey Allen (Boy George) – situation with his dad up in Michigan, feeling helpless, needing peace and guidance.
Martini’s mom (lives in Apex) just diagnosed with cancer, still awaiting some test results.
Dovetail and his wife driving to Miami this week.
Shailee & Josh (friends of Sketch’s wife) just moved to Apex from AR for a new job, new place, and all new people.


Pax of 7: Gump, Martini, Sketch, Norm, Pikachu, Dovetail, & Shredder

Warm Up: Short run, SSH, Fazzio Arm Circles, neck stretches, Good Mornings, mossy to the back.

The Workout: quick review; Rooting, WC Striking, Circle Pocket, & Stickey Fingers. Then, one pax set the pace with a set of strikes while other pax each had an  exercise. Rotated through 3 rounds: blocking drills, merkins (std, military, and diamond) squat kicks, lunges to knee lifts, and jump lunges.

Mary: LBC, Low Slow Flutter, Box Cuts,  Capoeira Push-ups, and Break Dancers.

Announcements: Carpex CSUP in 8 days, Beer Mile tomorrow, APE Defense on Sunday, 2F at Dunkin after

Prayer: Health of Pax, Families, Hurricane victims.

Sheepdog – circuits

Pax of 7 with one FNG: Norm, R-22, Dovetail, Martini, Chickenfoot, Shredder, and Sketch (FNG)

Warm Up: Dovetail took the lead with some High-knees, Butt-kicks, Inchworms, Samson lunges, Goodmornings, & Michael Phelps

The Workout: mosey to the back for a quick review of Wing Chung rooting, striking, and wedging.

Then circuits: one pax sets the duration with a loop around the walking path. Stations:

Round one

  1. Runner
  2. lateral pulls, 25lbs
  3. jumprope
  4. striking
  5. wedging
  6. Bicep curl to arm raise, 10lbs
  7. wobly merkins

Round two

  1. Runner
  2. Curls, 25lbs
  3. Squat kicks
  4. striking
  5. wedging
  6. Arm raise to overhead press
  7.  Wobly dips

Mary: LBCs & Boxcutters

Announcements: Carpex CSUP & other upcoming events

Prayer: Crablegs and others with health challenges, family, leadership, etc.