
It’s all about the density…

A lot of mumble chatter this morning. Is density important? Some say yes. Mumble chatter took over the mini-Murph and several PAX started suckling the Honey Suckle. Had to get everyone back on track.

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Good mornings x10, Willie Mays Hayes x10, Daisy pickers x10, Side straddle hops x20, Seal Claps x10, Sir Fazio arm circles x10 forward, x10 backward

The Workout: Mosey to the big rock pile. Pick a medium-big rock of your choice.
Curls for the girls, Wonder bras, Rut Rows, Overhead Tricep press, Ground Pounders, Repeat
Chest presses, Box cutters, Low slow flutters, Repeat
Mosey to the Playground for the Mini-Murph: 5 pull ups, 10 Merkins, 15 squats, Repeat for 5 sets total
Mosey to parking lot for a Round of 7: Star jumps, Carolina dry docks

Mary: LBCā€™s x10, Plank hold approx. 30 sec, Raise left hand for approx. 15 sec, Raise right hand for approx.15 sec, Plank hold count to 60 to finish off the workout.

Announcements: Memorial Day Murph on Monday. 7:00 AM at Womble Park? Need to verify that.

Prayer: @Shredder took us out with prayer. Prayers for @DOA whoā€™s on his second interview for a new job! Thank God for @Stubs clear test! Prayers for these men and all our families.

Ultimate Skeeels

PAX of 4 for some Ultimate Skills – distance, accuracy, and agility using both backhand and forehand. Mosey to the playground for rounds of step-ups, irkins,Ā  squats. Around the horn for Mary.

Ground Pounder fun fact – Did you know?

FNGs: NoneĀ 

7 HIMs posted to GP for boulders and some March Madness with Pumpkin and Forceps Co-Qing the workout.Ā  YHC brought the music box and bball. Lots of mumblechatter around Nirvana vasectomies’ that didn’t smell like teem spirit andĀ worm procreation.Ā Ā 

Warm Up: 10x3cts of: Good Mornings,Ā  Sir Fazio Arm Circles (both directions), 25, 20, 25, 20, 15 and then 10Ā  Merkins and SSH.

Mosey to rock pile.

The Workout

Circle of Rock (of course): Mosey to the Rock Pile pick a reasonable rock. Alternate rocks between exercises.

3 sets of 10x3ct of each exercise:Ā  Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tricep Press, Rut Rows and Ground Pounders.

Mosey to the basketball court

PAX played 3 on 4 bball and every basket resulted in a set of 10×3 ct exercises. Scoring was much higher than I anticipated (much higher).

Exercises: 4 sets of 10×3 ct LBCs, Mountain Climbers, Heel Taps, Lunges, Freddie Mercuries

Prayer Requests:Ā  For DOA’s father in law Wes going through cancer treatment and for strength for Wes’s wife and family. Forceps son’s decision to finish college here or move (still up in the air).

Announcements: TriSprint in June, CSAUP in South Cary in April, Motor Boatin’s 1st Annual 5K this Friday March 25th at Cletus.

GP Mumblechatter – Lots of talk about crabs

FNGs: NoneĀ 

5 HIMs posted to GP for boulders and discs with Hazmat and Forceps Co-Qing the workout.Ā  YHC brought the music box and discs. Lots of mumblechatter around crabs.Ā Ā 

Warm Up: 10x3cts of: Good Mornings, Daisy Pickers,Ā  Sir Fazio Arm Circles (both directions), Seal Claps and overhead claps, 20x3ct SSH.Ā  So much mumblechatter we lost count numerous times.

Mosey to rock pile.

The Workout

Circle of Rock (of course): Mosey to the Rock Pile pick a LARGE rock. Alternate rocks between exercises.

3 sets of 10x3ct of each exercise:Ā  Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tricep Press, Rut Rows and Ground Pounders. On our six for 2 rounds of 10x3cts of Chest Press, Box Cutters, LSF.

3 holes of disc golf w/ exercises between tosses.

Each PAX took turns driving a disc toward basket (squat hold while ya wait). Exercise before and after a quick mosey to your disc

Hole 1 Exercises: 20 Merkins;Ā  10x3ct Imperial Walkers, 10x3ct Hillbillies, 10×3 ct Squats

Hole 2 Exercises: 50 ct Balls to the Walls, 10x3ct SSH, 10x3ct Plank Jacks, 10x3ct Freddie Mercuries

Hole 3 Exercises: 10x3ct Mnt Climbers, 10 Star Jumps, 10x3ct Lunge Jumps

Prayer Requests:Ā  Ā Those suffering from mental or physical challenges (particularly YHCs best friend’s sister Ky), Gump’s final interview process, for God to intercede and provide direction for Frenchie to make the right decision for college.

Announcements: TriSprint in June, CSAUP in South Cary in April, Motor Boatin’s 1st Annual 5K later this month.

Ground Pounder – 2/26/22

5 at GP. The q-sheet was open with Forceps being down in Wilmington running the half so YHC (Shredder) took the lead.
Warm Up: 25x SSH, SFAC (10 f&b), seal claps, and overhead claps. 25 more SSH. Imperial walkers, hillbillies,Frankensteinā€˜s, Willie Mays Hayes, Daisy pickers, and good mornings, All 10ea. each in cadence.
The Workout: Pax moseyed to the small rock pile first to grab two rocks that you can hold, one per hand. Then to the large rock pile to get a respectable rock. We then circled up and ran through an assortment of slower exercises with the large rocks and then rotated to the left for higher reps with the small rocks, rotating to the left after each set. 10 curls for the girls in cadence slow followed by 50 half curls up follow by 50 half curls down. This theme was continued with overhead tricep press, rut Ā rows, wonder bras, bus drivers, and ground powers. We also mixed in some other back and shoulders drills with the small rocks. Then put back the rocks and mosey to the playground for step ups, TuT dips, box jumps, more Ā TuT dips.
Mary: pax rotated with 10 each of your exercise of choice. Including merkins, Low SLOW flutter, heel taps, box cutters, and a new excessive from Motor Boating that is the fast person of low slow flutter which is evidently called low fast slutter.
Announcements: Pax in Wrightsville running the 1/2. Road cleanup at Neadmore.
Prayer: YHC took us out.

Sheepdog – Sally still sucks!

5 Pax worked hard this morning with a tri-q including Big Ditch, Farva and Shredder.Ā 

EC: Farva, Shredder, and a partial EC from Big Ditch.

Warm Up: Big Ditch kicked us off with Ā his debut taking us through Sir Fazio arm circles f&b, Frankensteinā€˜s, Imperial walkers, hillbillies, Willie Mays Hayes, and daisy pickers.

The Workout: shredder took the main event with four corners starting with one merkin, mosey to the next corner for one squad, LBCā€˜s in cadence at the next corner, and then star jumps. Rinse and repeat adding one each time until we got to 10. Then over to the new wall in front of the school for step ups and a Bring Sally Up Erkin challenge. Add bring sally up Pax pushed up. I bring Sally down Pax went down, holding that position through the chorus. Ā 3 min Ā 20 sec Ā of pure bliss šŸ˜«.

Combat: Farva wrapped us up with a little Build-a-Strike. Starting with 5 knuckle merkins, we then mossied to the 1st station for a front jab, cross combo x 10. Ā Back to the start for 5 knuckle merkins. Then 5more knuckle merkins as we start round 2. Repeat station 1. At station 2 we did a combo front jab, cross, front hook, cross. Back to station 1 and then back to the start with knuckle merkins. Round 3 added a 3rd station with knee strikes and a front kick. Round 4 added station 4 where Pax put it all together. Front jab, cross, front hook, half clinch, two knee strikes, front kick, then double front kick. I believe it was at this point big ditch looked at shredder and said ā€œwhat is this Mortal Combatā€. šŸ¤£

Big Ditch wrapped everything up.
Announcements: Wrightsville this weekend.
T-Claps (Recognition): Big ditch for stepping up to Co-q.
Prayer: people traveling to Wrightsville this weekend, Beer Pressure is fostering a dog that needs a home.

Sheepdog- 2/18/22

Something to bring home to M; Straps and points.

Three Pax for EC and the ME at Sheepdog.Ā 
Warm Up: Pax jumped right in the a quick mosey around the parking lot, then snaked up and down the parking lines with lateral shuffles. Ā Upon circling up we executed 4 rounds of SSH; 25 each IC. Between each set we did assorted arm exercises (SFAC, seal claps, overhead claps, and a combo seal to overhead). We then moved on to IW and HB & Frankensteins.

The Workout: Over to the shelter at the entrance to the schools we did a rotation of exercises including band work. Biceps, press, dips, erkins, derkins, rows, step ups, box jumps.

Mary: LBCs and Crab cakes.

Prayer: family, Pax, mental health

What kind of workout is this?

FNGs: NoneĀ 

6 HIMs posted to GP on a perfectly sunny morning for boulders and discs.Ā  YHC brought the music box and discs. Lots of mumblechatter around colon health thanks to YHCs latex gloves I put on under my workout gloves to keep them warm. DOA asked “What kind of workout is this?”Ā 

Warm Up: 10x3cts of: Good Mornings, Willie Maze Hays, Daisy Pickers,Ā  Sir Fazio Arm Circles (both directions), arm stretches, 20x3ct SSH

Mosey to rock pile.

The Workout

Circle of Rock (of course): Mosey to the Rock Pile pick a LARGE rock. Alternate rocks between exercises.

3 sets of 10x3ct of each exercise:Ā  Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tricep Press, Wonder Bras, Rut Rows and Ground Pounders.

4 holes of disc golf w/ exercises between tosses.

Each PAX took turns driving a disc toward basket (squat hold while ya wait). Exercise after a quick mosey to your disc

Hole 1 Exercises: 10 Merkins;Ā  10×3 ct Squats

Hole 2 Exercises: 10x3ct SSH, 10×3 ct LBCs

Hole 3 Exercises: 10 Lunges, 10 Imperial Walkers

Hole 4 Exercises: 10x3ct Plank Jacks, 10x3ct Low Slow Flutter

Prayer Requests:Ā  Ā Forceps: 2nd Anniversary of son’s passing; Those suffering from mental or physical challenges. Praise Quiver’s daughter took his wife to FIA this AM.

Announcements: Long Ass Run ongoing, CSAUP in South Cary in April, Motor Boatin’s 1st 5K March 5th.

Incline Freddie Hammers?

FNGs: N/a
Warm Up: 2 PAX for 2+ miles EC then a lap around the parking lot and ā€œcircledā€ up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, hillbillies, arm circles, seal claps, reverse arm circles, overhead claps, and daisy pickers.
The Workout:

Tabata timer – 22 seconds on, 12 seconds off x16 rounds for 4 of each exercise

Tabata #1
Monkey humpers
Plank jacks
Squat jump

Tabata #2
Low slow flutter
Pickle pounders
Homer to marge
Reverse crunches

Tabata #3
American hammers

*American Hammers ended up being done on a wall to allow for a mix with Freddie Mercurys (American Mercury or Freddie Hammer? Who knows but it was very effective!)

Mary: Abs were smoked from Tabata, Shredder taught me how to correctly throw a Superman Punch and Superman elbow strike
Announcements: Run tomorrow, see slack
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Shredder took us out

Sheepdog 1/21/22

Solo workout at Sheepdog +EC

Warm Up: a couple laps around the parking lot with stuffer step up and down each line.
The Workout: multiple rounds of traveling erkins on the knee wall, lunges in between, with band work mixed in; reverse hand bicep curls, rows, and press. Wrapped up with Single leg squats.
Mary: LBCs