
Nomads in search of Fritters

15 PAX, 11 for EC came out to support a few Nomads traveling to Southwake plus one local on their journey for the coveted Fritter.  All fritters have to come through Disney, so YHC decided to take the Q and show these Nomads how we do it in Southwake with a trip to the Abyss

EC: Particle Board, Borland, Full House, Garfield, Orphan, Katniss, Lucky Charms, Emeril, Dumbo, Dawgpound, Pablo

FNGs: None

Fritter: Borland, Orphan, Garfield, Full House (with Breathtaker!!!)

Warm Up: A warm-up jog around the soccer field.  Circle up for exercises in cadence: SSH x20, Imperial walkers x10, Hillbillies x10, Sir Fazio Arm circles x10F x10R, Good Mornings x10

The Workout: Quick count off then mosey to the Abyss.  Find accountability partner for a Dora 1-2-3 (exercises 100x merkin, 200x LBC, 300x squat).  Parnter 1 start the exercises, partner 2 travel down the abyss and do 5 burpees and back up to switch with partner 1.  Wash rinse and repeat until all exercises are completed.  YHC felt that we still had a few more trips up and down the abyss, so partner 1 completed plank exercises called out by myself or M4L while partner 2 traveled back down the abyss for 5 star jumps; wash, rinse, and repeat for 2 cycles each.  Regroup and head back toward playground/bathroom area for more fun.  Found a nice wall to rest our balls, so Partner 1 hold BTTW while partner 2 did 10 merkins, switch and repeat.  Then, Partner 1 hold BTTW while partner 2 did 10 count in cadence mountain climber, switch and repeat. Partner 1 hold BTTW while partner 2 did 10 shoulder taps, switch and repeat.  Then repeat all 3 exercises sets again but instead of BTTW, Partner held Peoples chair.  Once completed mosey to flag for MARY

Mary: All exercises in cadence: LSFx20, Homer to Marge x10, Box Cutter x 10, Pickle Pounder x 20

Announcements: Check FB and Slack

T-Claps (Recognition): Full House doing Fritter with Breathtaker!!!

Prayer: Unspoken, New Mexico took us out.

Dawgpound brings music to PT

EC: Dawgpound, Emeril, Dumbo, Pablo, Orphan, Garfield, LED, Lucky, Full House, Cowboy, Borland, Banana Seat

FNGs: Pinto
Warm Up:

Side Straddle Hop
Good Morning
Bat Wing
  Fazio Forward
  Fazio Backward
  Seal Claps
  Overhead Claps
  Ralphe Pulses
Imperial Walker
The Workout:
The Man from the Killers — Jumping Jacks and Burpees
Stack Em Up Suicide Bear Crawl and Crawl Bear.  Bear Crawl to cone.  Crawl Bear to start line.  Up the hill by baseball field
Round 1:
  10 Merkins — Good Form
Round 2:
  Reverse Lunge to Forward Lunge 10 each leg  — /Only do this at cone/
  10 Merkins
Round 3:
  30 Plank Jack — /Only do this at cone/
  Reverse Lunge to Forward Lunge 10 each leg
  10 Merkins
Round 4:
  40 Shoulder taps (20 Each Shoulder — /Only do this at cone/
  30 Plank Jack
  Reverse Lunge to Forward Lunge 10 each leg
  10 Merkins
Round 5:
  10 Absolutions — /Only do this at cone/
  40 Shoulder taps (20 Each Shoulder
  30 Plank Jack
  Reverse Lunge to Forward Lunge 10 each leg
  10 Merkins
Saw Lightning — Plank jack with Catalina Wine Mixer on Saw Lightning

Low Slow Flutter
Homer to Marge
Have a Nice Day

Announcements: Nada
T-Claps (Recognition): Full House with BT
Double D
Injured Pax

I said to do this but I meant for you to do that

Warm Up:

Quick jog around the soccer fields

SSH x10
I said x10 Imperial Walkers +x10 Hillbillies but I meant x15 each
x5 Burpees OYO
Cotton Pickers
Good Mornings

The Workout:
I said partner up but I meant get into 3’s.  I said count off but I meant just get into a group of 3’s.
8’s.   Bottom of the parking lot do x1 Merkin.   Team of 3 Indian Run to top of parking lot.  7 Turkish getups.  Indian run back down.  x2 Merkins, Indian Run back up top x6 Turkish……

Jog to stairs.   Still in teams of 3.   1 Pax at the top doing squats.  1 at bottom doing star jumps.  Timer is 3rd PAX running down stairs.  Swap/rotate/repeat

Sharknado –   I said 4 different exercises in between sprints to top of parking lot but I meant to only have you do 2 of those exercises and I reserve the right to change those exercises as we’re running.

Absolution, Dying cockroach, Stretches, Superman

Long run on Saturday.  Maybe Banjo will show up.  “Show up, try to keep up”.  6am UTurn.
Go Ruck Light in November.
Go Fund Me for Wolfie.  Also will be delivering furniture to him and his mother on Saturday or Sunday this week.

Prayer: Liptons grandmother passed away this past week.  Funeral will be Saturday in Danville. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.