
Warm up now means burpees

It was a week of transitions for F3 AOs and Thunder was the latest as Pikachu and Buttjoint turned the AO over to Crosby and John Deere. It won’t get easier, you’ll just get stronger. 8 men posted to send Buttjoint out in style and Buttjoint delivered. Now if he could post in the gloom again. If you’ve never posted at Thunder give it a shot. Love how this workout has a completely different feel compared to the gloom.

Warm Up: Mosey from the tennis court to the open field. SSH, 10 burpees, IW, 9 burpees, Fozio arm circles, 8 burpees, Chanooks, 7 burpees, merkins, 6 burpees, something else, 5 burpees

The Workout: Mosey around the baseball field to the back side. Partner up and broken wheel barrow along the side walk to the baseball statue guy. Switch partner and finish at the concession stand. Three sets alternating balls to the wall and preacher chair.

Mosey to the playground. Stay with partner. One partner doing pull ups and the other doing box jumps. Group did 50 pull ups combined. Group was joined by skidmark’s 2.0 for some box jumps and skidmark completed a round of box jumps holding a baby doll at his daughter’s request.

Mosey to tennis courts. Stay with partner. One partner is doing suicides and the other is doing Al Gore Tree Huggers. Rinse and Repeat.

Mary: I’m pretty sure there were some diamond merkins in here somewhere. 3 count around the circle under the pavillion as we were kicked off the court due to lightning. Not because we placed our balls on the fence or that there was a giant sign that said courts closed.

Announcements: The Odyssey 10/20/18 CSAUP in Apex. Shredder doing self defense class at North State Sport and Spine. Beer Mile 10/13 at CBC. UTI looking for runners for Tuna Run

Prayer: Much thanks to Buttjoint for his leadership over the past year and the impact he has had on many men.

2 Years of the ‘Chu – Part 1 of 2

YHC decided to Q consecutive workouts to celebrate 2 years of F3 – the lovely folks at Thunder got to go first.

Peeping Tom joined YHC for a nice 2+ mile EC route – standard Cletus EC + a run by Black Dog Bottle Shop to check the new venue out (looking nice by the way – give it a go).

Warm Up:

Mosey to grass parking lot by rock pile.

SSH x20

Good afternoons x10

Standard Merkin x20

Mountain climbers x20
The Workout:

Tour de Womble:

Mosey down the greenway towards baseball fields, make a left onto the loop and stop at the metal bars.

Half of pax on bars, half on the grass for deep squats.

Reps of 10 and 15 for each group of pax

Mosey to park entrance – burpee broad jump from yellow greenway pole to end of walkway.

Mosey to grass between greenway and baseball fields – gitmo x2 + chilly broad jumps (jump over Pax doing broad jumps)

Mosey to hill between greenway and opening in fence between baseball fields

Did 3 rounds of run to the top of the hill (each time) and various exercises down (crawl bear, bunny hop, and run). Each round we did Merkins (standard, on my up/down, and diamonds on Butt Joint’s call) at the top and squats (standard, on my up/down, and on Peeping Tom’s call) at the bottom.

Mosey to grass near batting cages – stopped for some Mary to show off to the parents.

Mosey to rock pile for some rock work – in a circle, rotating between rocks after every exercise:

Triceps x15

Deadlifts x15

Curls x15

Overhead press x15

Groundpounders x15

Mosey to the grass next to the tennis courts – following the first Mary exercise we promptly moved to the tennis courts as we were all covered in hundreds of nats.

Low slow flutter, freddy mercury

Stretching routine:

Tabletop -> cat/cow

Plank – runners pose down onto elbows

Plank – pidgeon

South Wake Beer Mile 10/13

Hurricane Florence safety


Hot hot hot

Pax of 6 gathered for a very hot Thunder session.

EC: YHC with an easy mile.

Warm Up:

Jog over to grass near amphitheater.

SSH x15 IC

Good afternoon x10 IC

Mountain Climber x20 variable cadence

Arm stretches
The Workout:

Since some of us were sore from the 5 year anniversary beatdown we decided to get all our Merkins out of the way.

Mosey to the nearby hill (directly next to running track) for clockwork Merkins, starting with 12 o’clock pointing towards the track.

12x at 12 o’clock, and then proceeding accordingly clockwise all the way around – 78 merkins

Mosey to playground – ab work to let the heart rate recover:

Low slow flutter x10 IC

LBC x10 IC

To counterbalance all that chest we needed some back, so to the monkey bars we went. 3 pax hold chill cut plank, other 3 each do 10x Pull Ups. Each group went once, then went again with 5x Pull Ups.

Mosey to the rock pile where pax were instructed to get a “medium, non-traveling rock to share”

Circled up for various rock exercises rotating rocks throughout:

7x Deadlifts, 14x cleans, 21x overhead press, 14x putting it all together for the ground pounder

Curls – 7x bottom half range of motion, 7x top half, 14x full range

Tri-ceps – 7x bottom half, 7x top half, 14x full range

Return the rocks and mosey to the metal bars along the walkway near the baseball fields

All pax on bars for upright bodyweight rows – x10

Switch to grass for 10x squats

Repeat rows x10, prisoner squats x10, rows x5, lunges x5 each leg

Mosey back to tennis courts for Mary


Mary around the horn – 15 count each (except for the Burpees called by our FNG Urban, only 8x of those. Maybe that’s why the Big Blue fan got that name).


9/11 stair climb

Crab legs. Unspoken.


Great work men – hot one out there. An honor and privilege as always to lead.

Ultimate Wet Thunder

Pax of 5 gathered on a very stormy evening. The rain mostly cleared up in time for our 7am start and we were off – we crossed the street and setup the lower grass field for some 2 v 2 (with a full time offense player) ultimate.

Warm Up:

SSH x15 IC

Good evening x15 IC

Daisy Picker x15 IC

The Workout:

Ultimate frisbee – every time the disc is dropped and/or swatted or thrown out of bounds the pax alternate between 3x merkins and 5x LBCs.

Scoring team chooses an exercise to do 10 of, and then the full time offense player switches.

Mosied back to the tennis courts for

10x Low Slow Flutter IC

Mary around the horn

5 year SouthWake convergence upcoming

Crab legs

YHC means what?

YHC had the Q but first had to explain what YHC meant (it was in the pre-blast – it means Your Humble Coordinator). Who knows, if the 12 pax knew Pikachu had the Q maybe they wouldn’t have shown up (or maybe more would have??)


No FNGs in the 90 degree inferno, so we were off.


Warm Up:

SSH x15

Standard Merkin x10

Good mornings x15

Fazio arm circles x10 forward/backward

Arm stretches (across chest and over head)

The Workout:

Mosey past the pond to the hand rails/grassy area

Partner up – 1 Pax does 10 upright rows, other does 10 deep squats. Switch and repeat, then do the entire thing again (so each exercise twice total).

Mosey through grass to start of cement near baseball center.

Wheel barrel with partner back to the greenway path, switching half way

Crab walk back to the middle cement, switching directions half way

Mosey to the other side of the central building – pax lined up on their six with feet pointing the same direction at 45 degrees for Gitmo. First pax ran down the line pushing down feet and then lining up at the end, we went through twice each.

Mosey back to the middle building for people’s chair/balls to the wall in a 1:3 ratio, starting at 5:15 IC and going down to 2:6, finishing with 10IC:30 counted straight.

Mosey over to the tennis courts for bear crawl/crawl bear suicides, stopping at one court width and then at the end.


We got some grass for Mary around the horn and we were spent.


CSAUP in Greenville end of this month, lodging Friday night is available


Forceps Mother-in-law

Rams for upcoming surgery

Crab legs



Pikachu’s new job offer

Earl Grey’s uncle moving down here – he has beaten cancer three times and has done significant ministry work that he hopes to continue in NC


YHC took us out – as always, thank you all for the privilege to lead.

Ultimate beat down at Thunder

12 Pax gathered at Thunder for what was promised to be an Ultimate (frisbee) beat down. We moseyed over to the turf fields to mark off a field with some cones and do a few warm up exercises:

10x SSH IC

10x Fazio Arm Circles IC, both directions

The pax were conveniently wearing 6 red shirts and 6 non-red shirts, so no skins were needed. Teams were made and we were off.

Rules were simple, any time the disc hit the ground (after kickoff) all Pax had to perform 3 Merkins before they could do anything else. When a team scored the scoring team/Pax called out an exercise for 10 reps, following which the team that was scored on walked to the other side and play resumed with a “kick” off. After a close game (red won 6-5) we wrapped up with some Mary:

Low slow flutter x10 IC

Standard Merkin (on my down and my up) x7 to get us to our 167 target for the day.

Announcements – Day in the park, July 4th convergence.

Prayers – Shredder with praise for support for mission trip.

Shredder took us out – great work (and tons of fun) men!