Rock Toss at the Trot
FNGs: nope
Warm Up:
Mosey around tennis courts with stops for SSH, Windmill, Sir Fazio arm circles, squats, merkins, etc
The Workout:
Thing 1: 4 corners on tennis courts
Round 1: Exercises at each corner
Round 2: Stack up exercises at each corner
5 Absolutions
10 Turkish get ups
15 pistol squats
20 American hammers
Thing 2: Rock Toss
Toss rock and bear crawl to rock and do 1 merkin. Continue until you get to the street. Cusack rock back to rock pile and circle up on courts for Mary.
Plank hold-o-rama with some mission and core principle education and a few other core exercises.
See social media, fritter next week
T-Claps (Recognition):
Strong work by all and for putting up with absolutions and turkish get-ups
Injured PAX, YHC, unspoken
YHC took us out