Yes Ivan Happened Last Friday
EC: Pikachu, Dawgpound, Flanigan, Particle Board, Does Skidmark count? He ran EC but did not stay for the workout.
FNGs: Nope
Warm Up:
Did a quick lap to allow Emeril to get out of his car. No penalty burpees since we had a good amount of Turkish getups on our schedule.
Circled up for the following:
Side Straddle Hops
Good Mornings
Tootsie Rolls
Back Rotation
The Workout:
3 Rounds:
5 Turkish Getup Flow:
10 Lawn Mowers Each Arm
20 Boobity to boobity
10 Straight Leg Deadlifts
3 Rounds of Rotation:
Pick up and set down
Keep it low and Rotate
Keep it high and Rotate
6 Sets of Arm Blast: 1 minute on 20 seconds recover. Do as many rounds in the minute set.
2 Pushups on the bell
2 Curls
2 Halos
2 Rounds Midget Flow:
10 Midget Love handles Each side
15 Midget Cookie pouches
5 Midget Standups Each Arm
Some stretching was done
Check Slack
T-Claps (Recognition):
Dauber’s daughter for becoming a Baylor Bear
Prayers for our leaders.