
Coupon Clipping At Black Sheep

FNGs:  None

Warm Up:  Arrived at Vandora Springs Elementary with a car full of dumbbells and kettlebells.  Met up with Decoy and Quiver as Jerk rode in from an early morning bike ride.  Took a quick lap around the parking lot and then circled up for the following exercises:  Good am, Hillbillies, seal claps, overhead claps, Moroccan night clubs, Fazio arm circles (F/B), Michael Phelps, Daisy Pickers.

The Workout:  PAX alternated using with various dumbbells weighing 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 40 pounds and two 16/20 pound kettlebells.  Reps 8-12.  Following exercises were executed:  O/H presses, forward arm curls, side arm curls, Tricep curls, bus drivers, wonder bras, ground pounders, forward lunges, squats, midget level handles, swings, rut rows, power thrusters…

At one point, each PAX grabbed the 40 lb dumbbells and executed the farmer’s carry down and back to the end of the parking lot.

From our six, we executed chest presses and held dumbbell over our chest with feet 6 inches off the ground for a 10c.  Rinse and repeat.  Executed some plank slaps, soccer kicks, rutrows, and overhead thrusts from our knees.

John Cusack to the front of the school in search of a wall/stairs for leg ups.  Cranked out 10 R/L leg ups and added some seated Squats too.  Dropped the weights and head to the brick wall.  10c BTTW by each PAX; added people’s chair 10c.  R & R but went to 15c.  Headed back to the parking lot as time was running out.

Mary:  Merkins and LBCs. R & R.

Announcements:  See Slack and FB

T-Claps (Recognition): The men and women who gave all while protecting our freedoms.

Prayer:  Martini’s grandma entering hospice; Mike (friend of Double D recovering from a bike accident; Anyone struggling with alcohol/drugs dependency; all impacted by Covid-19.  Unspoken.  Decoy took us out.

Honor and a privilege leading you men in the gloom. – Dauber

A little running never hurt anyone

PAX: Yogi, Big Green, 2% and Decoy
Warm Up: mile and half jog
The Workout: 11’s with merkins and squats with 100 run in between.
Mary: Jack Web with merkins and air presses. Also, 10 bonus burpees for a Big Greens tardiness.
Announcements: JOCO’s 1st convergence Monday 7AM Clayton Community Park. September 14th dove hunt, and need a south park Q next week as myself and Yogi will be at BRR.
Prayer: Big Green in RPD academy and 2% family.

Last second audible

PAX: Yogi and Decoy
Warm Up: mozy, side straddle hops, hillbillies, wind mills, good mornings, arm circles, and Michael Phelps
The Workout: 5 rounds with Yogi. One round consisted of 20 irkins, 20 dips, 20 squats, 20 WW1, 20 carolina dry docks, 10 burpees, and 200 yard run. Completed 5 rounds.
Announcements: Dove Hunt at decoys house and September 14th.
Prayer: School starting, last minute vacations, friends and family recovering from injuries and sickness.

Super Muggy Morning

PAX: Big Green, BioD, and Decoy
Warm Up: Mozy, Side Straddle Hops, Imperial Walkers, Wind Mills, Arm Circles, and Michael Phelps
The Workout: Super 21 with Merkins and WW1. After round 7,14, & 21 did 21 squats, calf raises, and monkey humpers
Mary: 1 mile jog
Announcements: September 14th dove hunt (more details to come).

South Park One PaX Show

Pax: Decoy
Warm Up: 2 mile EC run followed by side straddle hops, cotton pickers, imperial walkers, and good mornings.
The Workout: Merkin Mile (1 mile run with 25 merkins every quarter mile for a total of 100 merkins). 11’s with LT Dans and Monkey Humpers.
Mary: LBC, WW1, Freddy Mercury, Fancy Flutter Kicks, and American Hammers. Worked for 4O seconds with a 20 second rest. Did each one twice.
Announcements: Community 5k next Saturday in Wendell.
Prayer: Friends and family suffering from cancer and some pax recovering injuries or traveling over the next week.

Last Round of Tyson

PAX: Decoy
Warm Up: 2 mile EC run
The Workout:10 Rounds of Tyson. (10 rounds, each round consists of 5 stations with 10 reps at each station for a total of 50 reps per round and a grand total of 500 reps. ran about 50 yards between stations . Round 1= Merkins, round 2= WWII’s, round 3= Squats, round 4= carolina dry docks, round 5= LBC’s, round 6= lunges, round 7= wide grip merkins , round 8= flutter kicks, round 9= sumo squats, round 10= BURPEES!
Mary: 1 mile run
Announcements: I will need a Q for next Saturday and Community 5k in Wendell August 17th at 8AM.
Prayer: Everyone participating in sasquatch or the Asheville Spartan Races.  Family and friends battling sickness or recovering from injuries.

Wilt Chamberlain is a beast!

PAX: Recorded setting day at South Park with a Pax of 6. Roll call – Yogi, Fly Boy, Lab Rat, Globulin, FNG, and myself (decoy).

FNGs: Welcome Big Green!
Warm Up: Short jog to get moving, followed by side straddle hops, cotton pickers, imperial walkers, Michael Phelps, and arm circles.
The Workout: Wilt Chamberlain: 2 sets of cones set 100ft apart. Started with 25 squats, ran 100ft, 25 LBC, 50ft bear crawl to second set of cones. 25 Lunges each leg, ran 100ft, 25 flutter kicks each leg, bear crawled back to the beginning. Completed the circuit 4 times in memory of Wilt’s 100 point game.
Mary: 10 reps of dying cockroaches, plank, WW1, burpees, Freddie Mercurys, and more flutter kicks.
Announcements: Sasquatch next Saturday, Community 5k Aug 17 in Wendell.
Prayer: Family starting new jobs, family and friends recovering from injuries and illness.

Where is Everyone? Single Again

Warm Up: Jog around the carpool line followed by imperial walkers, daisy pickers, arm circles, and Michael Phelps
The Workout: Super 21 with Merkins and WW1, after set 7, 14, and 21 completed a 100 foot jog with 21 squats, 21 monkey humpers, and 21 lungs each leg than 100 foot jog back for the next round of 7.
Mary: Wasn’t needed after 231 WW1.
Announcements:  JOCO t-shirt pre-order has six days left.  Get your order in!  Community 5k coming August 17 for Globulin’s nephews eagle scout.  Will be taking the week off from The Station and Santa’s Workshop to let some soreness in the bottom of my right foot hopefully go away.
Prayer: Family and Friends battling sickness and injuries.  F3 brothers traveling for work or vacation.