

21 Pax posted on this beautiful 60 degree morning. Not only was the temp nice but the there wasn’t a stench coming from the dump. New site Q’s took over this morning and hopefully they weren’t going to disappoint. 2 FNG’s this morning. Welcome Béla and Wide Right. Disclaimer given we got to work. M4L was on time and held true to his commit from yesterday.

Lots of EC: Emeril, Chips, Crosby, Lip Stick, Pablo, Peeping Tom, Dawgpound, Skidmark, 187, Slide Rule, Cowboy, Yogurt. Hope I didn’t miss anyone.

Warm Up: Mosey around Ting Stadium. Stops at random corners to do some Good Mornings, Fozio Arm Circles, Hillbillies, Frankensteins, and finish off with some Mucho Chesto (10 reps each of merkin, wide merkin, close merkin, right hand forward, and left hand forward). 5 bonus burpees for a late arrival.

The Workout: Burpee Mile. Run ¼ mile and do 12 burpees together. After the last set M4L gave a quick 20 count so 2 additional burpees were added to bring the total to 50 for the burpee mile.

Mosey to the hill by the tunnel. Pax completed a Jacob’s ladder. Running up and down the hill with an increasing number of merkins each time up the hill. Finished at 7 merkins.

Mary: Dawgpound led Low Slow Flutter, Homer to Marge, Box cutters, and some right arm to left leg and left arm to right leg situps.

Finish about 2.3 miles total.

Announcements: CSAUP in Carpex at Bond Park 10/20 at 6:00AM. 7 weeks until the HSHM. Time to start running.

Prayer: Crablegs, Brandon from Hope, Roger Roger’s neighbor, Slide Rule’s friend that had an medical episode. We are getting older. Get those wills in place and don’t do stupid things. Like CSAUPs?