Entries by Vasoline

Man I love some old-school NES

18-strong at U-Turn, including 2 FNG’s on a freezing 24 degree morning!  I’ve never had the Q where any FNG’s showed up and although I had the final say on […]

My Triple Crown @ AGS

I look for 3 things when I’m running around Holly Springs in the early morning hours: deer, money, and athletic balls (I’ve found baseballs, golf balls, lacrosse balls, and lots […]

Coming in HOT…

Prior to the start of AGS a few PAX were running through a neighborhood on Stinson towards Womble after coming off of Bass Lake and a car must have been […]

Sunday Funday

FNGs: None Warm Up: 10x Fazio Arm Circles (Fwd & Rev), 10x Imperial Walkers, 10x Hillbillies, 10 Daisy Pickers, quick mosey up and down the parking lot to include butt-kickers, […]

Sunday Stroll To Sunday Sprint

FNGs: None Warm Up:10x Fazio Arm Circles (Fwd/Rev), 25 shoulder width merkins, 10x Imperial Walkers, 10x Hillbillies, 10x Daisy Pickers, 25x wide width merkins The Workout: 6.2 miles beginning at […]