Entries by Mr. Terrific

Grateful Merkins

FNGs: n/a Warm Up: side-straddle hops, frankenstein, hill-billies, imperial walkers, seal claps, overhead claps, smurf-jacksThe Workout: Move 10 yards/ 10 x merkin/ 10 x plank exercise For the Move, rotating […]

9 MEN vs Hurriane Debby

Hurricane Debbie is flooding the streets, but that didn’t stop 9 MEN that courageously faced the wind and the rain. Everyone was soaked in about 10 seconds of exiting their […]

Climbing the Ladder

EC: Full House and Mr. Terrific FNGs: n/a Warm Up: Exploring the school grounds, then mosey around the track with butt kicks, high knees, karaokes and A Skips. Grab some […]