Entries by Dumbo

Dumbo does Disney

FNGs: none Warm Up: SSH, short mosey to Community Center for Good Mornings, stretching, arm circles The Workout: Abe for a solo ruck. 3 sets of balls to the wall […]

Did he just say 50 burpees?

FNGs: Not really the place for all that… Warm Up: Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Windmill, Overhead Claps The Workout: Thing 1 – Mini Dora on the tennis courts.  Partner does […]

Paradise City 10/24

FNGs: none Warm Up: SSH, Good Morning, Fazzio Arm Circles F/R, Windmill, Imperial Walkers The Workout: Simple 7’s – Make 7 laps around Ting with stops at the top of […]

How will you lead?

EC: I have no idea because I wasn’t there and forgot to ask. FNGs: nah Warm Up: SSH x40, Lap with stops for good mornings, IW/HB, Fazio Arm Circles. The […]

If Dumbo can so can you

I enjoy Qing a workout. It’s definitely a different energy in the middle of the circle! That being said, I’ve always avoided Crazy Ivan and Captain Caveman because the prospect […]