Entries by Cancun

Sandbagging Sons of Baptists!

FNGs: None Warm Up: jog in place, good mornings. The Workout: Yours truly dropped an 80lb sandbag .8ish miles from the AO. After warm-ups we moseyed to the bag. Did […]

The Return of the King

FNGs: None Warm Up: Why? ย The Workout: run in place followed by 3 count pushups and Spiderman’s in cadence x10.ย  Ab work. Squats n stuff with some stretching worked in […]

How do Furries use school bathrooms?

    FNGs: None Warm Up: Lions don’t warm up before hunting. The Workout: used Breach’s big tire. Did and “Indian Run tire flip” around the parking lot. Included a […]

Bored to death.

@kosher @woody @moose @UTI @ Maybelline @lipstick @Cancun 6pax showed up with preconceived notions in their mind. I could tell that some thought the plan was dumb. “15 reps and […]

CHAD1000X Hero WOD at Disney

Proud to be able to say thank you to our veterans today. Proud of the men that worked hard on this challenge. The CHAD1000X is 1000 step ups with a […]

Lactating Threshhold

FNGs: None Warm Up: Incline push-up, lunges, runners stretch. The Workout: The only thing hotter and wetter than me were the Victoria’s Secret models looking at my Only Fans page. […]