Dead @$$ Last
FNGs: Bill, age 81, joined us for COT. May come next week.
Warm Up: Slow mosey with four coupons (slam ball, weighted ball, 2 basketballs) to the basketball court while doing frankensteins, high knees, butt kicks, lunges, John Cusack and paused for some good mornings.
The Workout: 5 Rounds of Knock Out. PAX who were “knocked out” completed four pain stations before getting the chance to jump back in the game.
Pain Stations Rounds 1,3,5: 5xMerkins, 5xJump Squats, 5xBall Slams, 5xGround Pounders
Pain Stations Rounds 2,4:5xCDD, 3xLunges (each leg),3xHalos (each direction), 5xGP.
Noah’s Ark won 2 rounds, Woody, Gump and YHC each won one round and Hazmat was Dead @$$ Last.
Mosey back to the flag.
Mary: Box Cutters, American Hammer, Homer to Marge, Good Mornings.
Announcements: Patriot Games coming up. Lots of opportunities to serve, check 3rd F channel. Volunteers needed for HS 4th celebration.
Prayer: PAX recovering from injury and looking for work. Those going through difficult relationships right now.