Summit Disney
FNGs: None
Warm Up: Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, HillBillies, Frankensteins, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps.
The Workout: Moseyed down the hill and took a right towards Optimist Farm Rd. Made our way to the River Rock pile and grabbed two rocks just small enough to grasp for exercises. Moseyed back to the greenway path and went about halfway up. This Q just realized the presence of another rock pile, conveniently placed right where we were going to execute our workout.
Round 1:
Curls for the Girls – 10x IC
Overhead Press – 10x IC
Ruh Rohs – 10x IC
Sprint to the top of the berm and perform 5 Star Jumps
Round 2:
Curls for the Girls – 10x Each Arm, Hold 1 at 90° and perform reps with other arm, rinse repeat
Overhead Press – 10x Each Arm, Hold 1 at 90° and perform reps with other arm, rinse repeat
Ruh Rohs – 10x IC
Sprint to the top of the berm and perform 10 Star Jumps
Round 3:
Curls for the Girls – 5x from down to 90°, 5x from 90° to top, 5x full range
Overhead Press – 10x IC
Ruh Rohs – 10x each arm, hold 1 at 90° and perform reps with other arm, rinse repeat
Sprint to the top of the berm and perform 15 star jumps
Round 4: Grab a new rock from recently discovered rock pile for squats, chest press and skull crushers
Squats – 15x
Chest Press – 15x IC
Skull Crushers – 10x IC
Sprint to the top of the berm and perform 15 star jumps
Round 5:
Squats – 10x Tempo IC
Chest Press – 10x Tempo IC
Skull Crushers – 10x IC
Sprint to the top of the berm and perform 10 star jumps
Round 6:
Squats – 15x
Chest Press – 15x IC
Skull Crushers – 10x IC
Sprint to the top of the berm and perform 5 star jumps
Return all of our rocks to designated areas and return to greenway path.
Challenge yourself and give it all you got from base of greenway up the hill to the fields. Pick up the 6 as necessary.
Mosey to the playground after catching our breath and perform 2 rounds of dips and derkins on the wall.
Make our way to the flag for Mary.
Mary: Homer to Marge, Heel Taps, Freddy Mercuries, Heels to Heaven, Box Cutters, Absolution
Announcements: Picnic on the 9th at Womble. Keep an eye out for July 5th signup – Choppa has the Q.
T-Claps (Recognition): All the ruckers and runner converging on the AO to join in COT. Great effort by the PAX at the bootcamp.
Prayer: Skittles friend going into surgery; Fedex; Tofu’s family with recent loss; Unspoken