Yeehaw’n through 1985

FNGs: none

Warm Up: side straddle hops, daisy pickers, windmills, sir fazio arm circles

The Workout: Supposedly there was some large rotating storm in the area, thankfully it was a nice breeze and some drizzle for us. Nevertheless, a shelter workout was planned and that’s what we did. 

Tabata style rotation- Three sets of 4 exercises (30 seconds on, 15 seconds off) for 4 rounds. First set- mountain climbers, split lunges, erkins, and dips (RIP triceps). Second set- star jumps, dry docks, wall sit, plank jacks. Third set- LBCs, WW1, box cutters, saw plank. ~5 minutes left so we cooled down with some stretching, felt great. 

In celebration of my birthday we listened to the top hits from the year of my birth (’85). There was also a “yeehaw” sound on the timer that played around every 30 seconds. The music and the yeehaws got some laughs early on but were soon replaced by groans. The commercials from my free version of Spotify (like Lebron) were icing on the cake.

Mary: covered in the third tabata set

Announcements: Lots of events coming up- watch slack for updates and opportunities to serve.

T-Claps (Recognition): none specifically

Prayer: P.S.I. and family for safe travels