7.8.23 Ground Pounder Drip Cream
FNGs: None
Warm Up: 10x3ct each Good Mornings, Willie Mays Hays, Daisy Pickers, Side Straddle Hops, Sir Fozio Arm Circles (forward and back),
The Workout: Two rounds of rocks (Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tri, Rut Rows, Wonder Bras, Ground Pounders.
Moved over to the restroom hut for 2 sets of 10 count down the line – Preachers Chair and BTW followed by Ascending Testicles.
PAX mosey to Disk Golf #2 and #3.
10×3 ct Squats then each HIM had two throws each. Mosey to furthest disk till complete. Alternated between SSH and Merkins between throws.
Mary: 5 sets of Abs: 10x3ct LBCs, LSF, Freddie Mercuries, Box Cutters and Angle Taps
Announcements: HSHM sign up still available 5K option available.
Prayer: For travel and job search