Changing of the guard



The last two years have meant the world to YHC. When first asked to be the Nantan of South Wake I was honestly terrified. I came home to my M and said “why in hell would they trust this to me?” After some soul searching and reassurances from others, I accepted.


3 months into my time as Nantan COVID hit full force and I made the call to shut us down. The world was a different place then, but damn what a lesson in leadership that turned into!


Throughout it all, it has been truly an honor to watch our region continue to grow and mature and to see all of the FNGs that have grown into High Impact Men over the past two years. I have witnessed countless friendships blossom, seen first time GoRuckers and Marathoners, witnessed community impact beyond what I would have thought possible (anyone wanna sling some mulch next weekend? anyone?), seen (and experienced) firsthand the impact of 75 hard, and watched our relationships with BOTH of our local towns flourish into true partnerships.


Some of our newer pax may not know, but Deadbolt served as our first Nantan for many a year. He was voluntold for the position the day he turned 50 and (I’m guessing) probably didn’t know what he was signing up for, but he stewarded us into official regionhood and saw us grow from 6 workouts a week to 15+. I’ll be forever grateful for his leadership and his ear when I needed advice over the past two years, and I’m confident that both of us will continue to be active and involved as we transition the Nantan role over again.


I’m thrilled to introduce Breach as our next Nantan. Many of you know him for his passion for Travis Manion Foundation, for his crap talk during workouts, and for his sheer willpower in everything that he does. I’m confident that he is the right HIM to lead our region for the next 12 – 18 months. Please thank him for his leadership the next time you see him and let him know how you want to be involved as we continue to grow F3 South Wake!


Pikachu out!