Foxtrot Uniform Ian – Crazy Ivan was Insane

Warm Up: Farmer carry kettlebells to amphitheater and then to shelter.  SSH, sir Fazios, OH claps, Seal claps, Frankensteins
The Workout:  15-14-13….1 KB swings with different 10 count/in cadence exercises using the KB.  Exercises included:  goblet squat, curls for girls, overhead press, midget love handles, upright rows, bus drivers, rut rows, lawnmowers, thrust, rack & push, ground pounders….up and over picnic tables (not a good idea); BTTW 10c, 15c, 20c; people’s chair too
Mary:  yoga and stretching
Announcements:  Storm preparation
T-Claps (Recognition):  Fram for EC in this horrible weather
Prayer:  FL…discussed and reflected on our week; how was it?  How can we improve?

Honored to lead.  -Dauber