2 Years Stronger
8 PAX posted to help me celebrate my 2 year F3 anniversary! This workout had elements and moves from some of my favorite Ivan workouts and the Q’s that led them!
FNG’s: none
Warm Up: Good Mornings, Sir Fazio’s, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Daisy Pickers.
The Workout: First Thang I ever did with F3…Fire Hose Carry Indian Run! We got around the parking lot twice. CHIPs was on the Q that day at my first post. The Cletus crew then caught up with us and joined in for some Turkish get-ups x 20 inspired by none other than Pikachu! They stayed with us as we moseyed over to the fence for dirkins x7 on each rung going up, then back down for a total of 42, again did this with CHIPs at my first workout and thought “these guys are crazy!” Cletus left us and we went back to the kettlebells for 2 of Dawgpound’s favorite moves…50 swings, 50 snatches OYO.
Next, each PAX took turns doing a Kettlebell Bear Crawl…something Skidmark likes to Q…down to the large atlas ball, produced kindly by Dahmer, did 5 merkins then carried it back. The PAX that did this routine was timer while the rest of us performed exercises at the circle OYO/AMRAP. The exercises were: Bell Merkins, Lawnmowers, Plank Rows, Halos, Suitcase Squats, Standard Merkins, Wonderbras, and Plank Hold on the bell. This series (or part of it) was included in an absolute thrashing awhile back issued by Pumpkin Spice.
The group took a mosey over to the band shelter for a Skidmark teeth busting special. We did People’s Chair up and down the line while passing the bell. Then, we did the high risk-low reward teeth busting BTTW while passing the bell. Some groans from the PAX on this one. All survived.
Mary: Back over for 15 Midget Love Handles per side, and Pigeon Stretches.
Announcements: CSAUP’s here and in CARPEX coming up. Skidmark doing a long-ass run to prep for NYC on October 25th. Company welcome!
T-Claps (Recognition): Katniss…though he wasn’t here for most of it…bringing me into this fine brotherhood 2 years ago!
Prayer: YHC and some decisions, Snap and other PAX we haven’t seen in awhile. Thanks guys for showing up, making me stronger, and being there.