Flavored Popcorn

5 PAX for a Q-less Possum Trot but we all pulled it together for a flavored popcorn workout. Great work men! #FreedToLead

FNGs: none
Warm Up: Windmills, Hillbillies, Good Mornings….
The Workout: Headed to the Tennis Court for a suicide-style all court workout.

  1. Gump called Merkins, Bear Crawls, Squats x2
  2. Abacus called Mountain Climbers, Lunges, and Plank Jacks x2
  3. Rollback called Heel Taps, Side Crawls, and _____ x2
  4. Money Pit called LBCs, Crab Walks, and Squat Jacks x2
  5. Moseyed for 3 rounds of rocks

Mary: Around the Horn
Prayer: Abacus 5 month old to actually have a sleep schedule (been there), Santana work issues.