Party Favors at Red October

FNGs:  none

Dauber’s Birthday celebration with kettlebells and TRX strands.

Warm Up: Led Mutiny and Red October PAX in Good am, seal claps, overhead claps, sir Fazios, SSH and Windmills.
The Workout:  Rinse and Repeat (R & R0 (2X) exercises 10-25 reps:

KB Group 1:  Swings, Rut rows, Lawn Mowers

KB Group 2: Figure 8, thrusters, Tricep

KB Group 3: Goblet Squats, Upright rows, Plank Taps

TRX drills with Gump calling the exercises:  YMCA (Up, out, down); Curls, Wings, Squats, etc.  R & R 2X

KB Group 4:  From our six:  KB over chest, six inches, thrusters, straight arm curl

:  Joined Fram for killer AB workout on tennis court.  Have you seen his abs?  Damn.

Announcements: Help Pikachu move on Saturday; Ultimate frisbee next week;  I am sure I am missing something….apologies


THANK YOU so much for your kind Birthday wishes

T-Claps (Recognition):  Great job LED with FV road sign – F3 South Wake; Wedding anniversary of POTS and his M, Kari!

Prayer:  Forceps’ son (David) in the woods – traveling; Injured PAX; Kari and POTS celebrating 25 yrs of wedding bliss – Congratulations!  All men who are married – blessings over you and your loved ones.  UNSPOKEN.

Honored to lead you men.  Thanks Gump for the TRX exercises! -Dauber