Tennis Courts Beatdown at TBD
YHC pre-blasted a no running option for those not hitting R4TJ. We stayed on the tennis courts for the entire workout.
EC: Dahmer, Warbucks
FNGs: Nope
Warm Up: Walk to tennis courts for ssh, merkins, squats sir fazio arm circles
The Workout:
BTTW Bear crawl tunnels.
We held BTTW on the fence, pax bear crawled through the “tunnel” to the front, then next pax went. We did this until failure.
Tiny 11’s:
Lunge walk to other the baseline
10 squats, Reverse lunge back to start, 1 WWII
This continued in normal 11’s fashion until 1 squat and 10 WWIIs were done.
Bear Crawl Ring of Fire – PAX crawled in a circle until Q called it. Each pax does 10 merkins in succession while remaining pax hold plank. After this, we crawled in a circle until Q called it and each PAX did 5 merkins while PAX held chill cut plank
Rosalita, Homer2marge – hold in up position for 1-3 count, down on 4 (thanks Dahmer)
Flower by Moby – Squats on down and hold then back up on the ups
Thunderstruck – SSH w/ burpee each time you hear “Thunder”
Derek Davis 5k and HSHM coming up. Check Slack/FB
T-Claps (Recognition):
Hardy is a beast, Swisher Sweets for signing up for HSHM
FloJo’s brother with prostectemy for good results, FloJo’s wife has a job!, death in Swisher Sweet’s family, Cancun’s wife with potential job opportunity, Hardy for his trip to Vegas for Ninja completion.
YHC took us out.