A Toby Keith ‘Murica Celebration

YHC picked up the Q and since it was the lead in to the 4th weekend, I put together a playlist for ‘Murica. Little did I know Toby Keith was such a polarizing figure. Maybe next time I’ll go with something a little more safe like Chris Brown and Elton John.  We sweated, we swung heavy weights and started the July 4th weekend off with a bang.

FNGs: Nope

Warm Up: Quick warmup exercises

The Workout:
Broke up into 2 teams of 4.  Each partner completes each station, then go to next exercise
P1: Ab exercise
P2: Farmers carry (2 KBs) – timer
P3: KB exercise 1
P4: KB exercise 2

Rnd KB 1 KB 2 Ab
1 KB Swing Pistol Squat LSF
2 Thrusters Cookie pouch Heel taps
3 Overhead press Figure 8s American Hammers
4 Lunge Plank drag LBCs
5 Renegade Rows KB hinge Windshield wipers
6 Single leg deadlift Goblet Squat Chill cut plank hold
7 Wonderbra KB snatch Freddy mercury
8 KB Windmill Back lunge Pickle pounders
9 Sumo squats KB clean Homer 2 marge
10 Midget Love Handle Tricep ext Dying cockroach

Light stretching.

See Slack.

T-Claps (Recognition):
Good work men.

Injured PAX, Traveling for the 4th.
YHC took us out.