Shoulda done two rounds together

Day 2 of the Fritter Challenge and YHC had your Q.   10 guys started Day 1 yesterday and the same 10 guys showed up for EC.   @Pikachu, @187 and @Skidmark took off a little early to get in 3.   @Breach, @Dumbo, @Cupid, @Pablo, @Dawgpound, @Emeril, and a late arriving @Lipstick got in our 2 miles.  @Redenbacher and @Full House joined the 2 mile group and @Beer Pressure showed up for the Main Event.   YHC was wondering why @Full House missed Paradise City yesterday and found out that Pickle Tickle won out hence his Fartsack.

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Jog around the track with stops for SSH, Good Mornings, Booty Bops, Foot Trace.  YHC explained the concept of the workout before we started but in hindsight probably could have run through a couple of rounds before he sent everyone off in their pairs.  Some mass confusion at the start but everyone eventually got on board.

The Workout😐
Partner up (Same or close size KB’s).   One side has KB’s the other has Maces. Both Partners perform KB Exercise.  One partner then jogs to midpoint of the track while the other partner carries both KB’s.   At center track is a list of Core exercises.  Partner 1 performs the Core exercise until Partner 2 shows up.  Partner 1 then takes the Bells while Partner 2 performs the core exercise.  Stops once Partner 1 gets to the Maces.  Partner 2 then jogs to the Maces and they perform the Mace exercise together.D o same KB carry back to mid- track and get back to the KB exercises.  Keep repeating until done.

Kettle Bell Exercises:
Round 1: x20 KB Swings
Round 2: x10 each arm Snatches
Round 3: x10 each arm KB Row
Round 4: x10 KB Halos
Round 5: x10 each leg KB Single Leg Deadlift.
Round 6: x10 Goblet Squat
Round 7: x10 each arm KB Press
Round 8: x10 WWII with KB
Round 9: x20 KB Bridge Press
Round 10: x10 each leg Side Lunge (edited) 

Core Exercises:
Round 1: American Hammer
Round 2:  LBC’s
Round 3: Low Slow Flutter
Round 4: Pickle Pounders
Round 5: Low Slow Flutter
Round 6: Freddie Mercury
Round 7: Boat Canoes
Round 8: Homer to Marge
Round 9: Burpee
Round 10: Box Cutter

Steel Mace Exercises:
Round 1: x10 Switch Squats
Round 2: x10 Seated Overhead Press
Round 3: x10 each side Hinge Row
Round 4: x10 360
Round 5: x10 on Back Press
Round 6: x20 Ballistic Curl
Round 7: x20 Tricep Extensions (standing or laying down)
Round 8: x10 Cookie Pouches
Round 9: x5 each arm High Plank Row
Round 10: x5 each leg Side Lunge

Mary: No time

: F3 Picnic, Warbucks donations due, Megs Smile coming

T-Claps (Recognition)
: Nope

: Warbucks, Kevin, Heidi –  Breach took us out.