Heavy Rocks Need Love Too

FNGs: None

7 HIMs posted to GP this morning;  All work and no play. YHC brought the music box.


10×3 ct Good Mornings, 10×3 ct Emperial Walkers, 10×3 ct Hillbilly’s,  20×3 ct SSH, 20 Fozzie Arm Circles, 4×10 ct arms stretches, 10×3 ct Willy Maze Hays

The Workout

Circle of Rock: (Rotate rocks between exercises).

3 set of 10 x 3 ct of each exercise:  Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tri-cep Press, Wonder Bras, Bus Drivers,  Rutrows, and Ground Pounders.

3 sets of 10×3 ct Rock Press, 10×3 ct Windshield Wipers, 10x3ct Box Cutters, 20×3 ct LBCs, 10×3 ct Rockies, 10×3 ct Homer to Marge w/ rocks; 10x3ct Heal taps, 10×3 ct Rock Spanks (without consent); 10x3ct Mountain Climbers; 10×3 ct Rock Spanks (with consent); 10×3 ct Mountain Climbers

Mosey to the Wall of Pain

  • 45 ct Al Gore People’s Chair, 45 ct BTW
  • 45 ct Biden People’s Chair, 30 ct Ascending Testicles
  • 45 ct Moroccan Night Club People’s Chair

Mosey to the quarter wall:

2 sets of: 10x3ct Step Ups, and 20 Dips

1 set of: 20 squats, 20 lunges (10 each leg), 10x3ct American Hammers, 10×3 ct Split Jacks, 10×3 ct Erkins, 10×3 ct Derkins, 20 WWIIs

Announcements: Build a Bed in 15 min;  Still collecting for HSPD 1st Aid Kits, GP 3 yr anniversary on June 26th along with the F3 Picnic in the Park.

Prayer Requests: Buster (Cancun’s 2nd Dad) recovering from a stroke, Walt (Forcep’s 2nd Dad) cancer in liver and kidney, Farva’s M’s boss not approving their vacation time.