What the blimp!
EC: @Fonzi, @Martini, @Finkle
FNGs: none
PAX: @Martini, @Fonzi, @K I T T Y L I T T R, @Finkle
Warm Up: Mosey
The Workout: Descending BLIMPS and between each set of BLIMPS we ran the hill.
Burpees -5 OYO, Lunges 10 each leg, Imperial Walkers – 15 in cadence, Merkins – 20, Plankjacks – 25 in cadence, and Squats – 30
Mary: Not-so-lazy-boys, boxcutters, boat canoes, Homer-to-Marge, Picklepounders.
Announcements: June 12 – SIHP and run that same day, JOCO CSAUP this Saturday.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: @Fonzi’s uncle health concerns and Mother-in-law diagnosed with cancer, @Finkle’s mother-in-law having tests done for diabetes and nausea possibly from her medication.