Getting Dirty at The Nut
It’s always great to come back to The Nut where YHC once had the honor of being site Q. It was good to see some of the usual suspects including a few new(ish) guys YHC hadn’t met.
Dahmer was the first on the scene and ready to roll for some EC so the two of us headed out and quickly ran into the 12 Oaks crew doing EC. Great work!
Warm Up:
Mosey around the parking lot
SSH x 20 IC
Frankensteins x 10 IC
Good Mornings x 10 IC
Daisy Pickers x 10 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 fwd/ x 10 rev IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Hillbillies x 10 IC
The Workout:
The Main Event was a “Dirty McDeuce” which consisted of 4 stations with 3 exercises at each: 1 arm exercise, 1 leg exercise, and 1 ab exercise for a total of 12 exercises. Pax counted off into groups of 4 and since there were 12 of us, it worked out perfectly to have 3 HIM per group. Each group went to the station corresponding to their number to begin the workout. Traveling between stations was done by jogging a full lap around the parking lot. Round 1 was 10 reps for each exercise, round 2 was 15 reps, and since time was running short, we went back to 10 reps for round 3. All groups completed all three rounds and then we went straight into…
American Hammers x 20 IC
Homer to Marge x 20 IC
YHC went 1 minute over time so next time we will have to end a minute early to compensate.
JOCO CSAUP Sat., May 22nd
Memorial Day Murph
Bed Build in June
5k for HS Police Officer the same day
T-Claps (Recognition):
Great to run with Dahmer during EC and T-Claps to Flanigan, Moby, and the other 12 Oaks crew members for EC as well.
Pax that are injured
Those that are traveling
Family members who are sick
2nd F was at Panera and although no one else came from The Nut, YHC caught up with those returning from The Nest.
Great work out there, HIM. It’s always an honor to lead.