Where’s Martini’s Cell Phone?
FNGs: None
Warm Up: PAX circled up for some SSH, daisy pickers and IWs
The Workout: 2 routes available this morning, 4 miles and 5.5 miles. 17 set out on a short journey in search of some pre-marathon miles, taking it easy, or running with a ruck sack if you’re @Yogurt. The 5 milers took old U-turn, with a trip up cemetery hill in anticipation of BRR in a few months. The run wouldn’t have been complete without a search for Martini’s phone on the route, t-claps to @Skidmark for finding it in the grass and @Yogurt for going back for the six.
Announcements: Opportunity to help build bunk beds for Sleep in Heavenly Peace on Saturday 4/24 from 8-11. See slack and/or LED for details. F3 Foundation is supporting the initiative and events will take place in the Kohl’s parking lot in Fuquay.
Prayer: Good health and safety for all those running in Wilmington.