I’ve Been Duped

Scheduled Q said he was unable to make it so I reluctantly accepted the Q with the hopes that no one would show.  However, the Q conveniently showed up anyways, along with two other PAX .

Warm Up: High knees, Butt kickers, Fazio Arm Circles, Hillbillies
The Workout: We hit some old school Plyometrics with

  1. Jump Squats, Run stance squat,  Airborne Heisman and Swing Kick, repeat
  2. Irkins/ Wall Jumps, Step Up Kicks, Dips, repeat
  3. Monster Truck Tires, Double Airborne Heisman, Twist Combo, repeat
  4. Front Kicks, Side Kicks, Back Kicks, repeat

By this time, the Q was gassed.

Mary: Around the horn for one rounds and had a Good Day
Announcements: 3rd F opportunities this weekend and next. Check slack. Vicious Cycle is starting back up next Wednesday.
Prayer: Travel for the holidays, PAX and community that might be struggling.

It is always an honor.