FML Visits Sheepdog

Saw a nice spot open on the Q Sheet for Sheepdog and decided to take it up with the shield lock. 187 stepped up and a co-Q it was!


Not today – maybe a good thing, who knows
Warm Up:

Newly named Australian Slaughter Starter – 20x Turkish Getups OYO

5x Burpees for Cupid coming in on two wheels

SSH x20 IC

Daisy Picker x10 IC

Frankenstein x10 IC

Sir Fazio x10 forward/backward

Seal clap x10 IC

Squatted overhead clap x10 IC
The Workout:

Mosey to the end of the parking lot and line up for 11s. Donkey kicks, sprint to other end, star jumps, mosey back.

Mosey to the nearby school wall – Preacher’s Chair x10 down the line, followed by Balls to the Wall x10 down the line

Mosey back to the parking lot for Freddie Mercury x10 IC before handing off to 187

Indian run to the back of the school

Build a bear on four square squares

First half of around the clock merkins

Mosey to nearby wall – spider man shuffle down the wall, plank shuffle back

Australian mountain climbers x10, squat jumps x10, australians x15, squat jumps x15

Mosey back to squares for second half of clock merkins

Variety of core exercises at 10x IC

End with running in place up downs

Long ass run on ATT

Shield Lock TED talk on Tuesday
T-Claps (Recognition):

Shredder for holding down Sheepdog – an awesome AO for those that haven’t visited it!

Great to see Yogurt mid-way through his bike ride too.