Ground Pounder – Disc Style

FNGs: None 

11 HIMs posted to GP on a chilly but beautimous morning.  YHC brought the music box playing Depeche Mode & discs.  

Warm Up: 10x3cts of: Good Mornings, Windmills, Fazio Arm Circles (both directions), Arm stretches, 20x3ct SSH, Michael Phelps.

The Workout

Traveling Rock: Mosey to the Rock Pile pick a medium rock then mosey to the first disc golf station.

Hole 1: PAX selected their drivers and took turns launching their disc toward the basket while the others perform an exercise. PAX then Cousac their rock to their disc and continue exercises until it is their turn to toss again.  2+ sets of 10x3ct of each exercise:  Alternate between Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tricep Press, Wonder Bras, Bus Drivers, Overhead Press, and Ground Pounders.

Cousac to Hole 2

Hole 2: Finish last set of 10x3ct: Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tricep Press, Wonder Bras, Overhead Press, Bus Drivers and Ground Pounders. 20 Rock Squats,

Cousac to Hole 3

Hole 3: 2 set of 10x3ct: SSH, Lunges, Emperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Moraccan Night Clubs

Return the Rocks

Heavy Discs on Putting Green

Pax select 1 of 4 starting points. 1 set of 20 Merkins. Make it lunge walk to the next station, miss it and you must Bear Crawl to the next station until you are back at the original starting point. All discs in play at all times (surprisingly no one got hit). PAX exercise between throws and retrieval.

20 Merkins x2, 15 SSH, 30 ct Chilcutt Plank Hold, 20 Prisoner Squats, 10x3ct Pickle Pounders, 10×3 ct Homer to Marge

5 minutes of Mary:

10x3ct LBCs, Rockies, Freddie Mercuries and American Hammers.

Announcements: Bacon doing the Goggin’s Challenge to raise funds for HSPD Torch Run, Eat at Jersey Mike’s on March 31st – Proceeds go to MMIA,  Triangle Tri in June, Krispy Kreme has BOGO on dozen donuts today, Wilmington Marathon/Half still on for April 16th (March 7th is the last day to defer).

Prayer Requests: Doc’s high school aged daughter getting surgery due to Chrones, praise for YHC’s son getting an A on his PSY Final,

2nd F @ Panera