Anniversary at the Nut (all men invited!)
Today marks 4 years since Tonka (welcome back!) picked me up and drove me to a M4L Q at Disney. Speaking of M4L….he HC’d for today’s workout but apparently got lost coming to the South Side. To celebrate the anniversary, I even logged into the neighborhood FB page and put up a recruitment post. It was worth it as we had an FNG join us in 30 degree temps for his first post!
FNGs: Hurts a Little (Ask Da Business what the alternative was…)
Warm Up: Disclaimer was given and we were off. Quick lap, SSHx20, Imperial Squat Walkers, Fazio Arm Circles got us started. Had to end with Devil Burpees x 5 (these will reappear….)
The Workout:
Part1: Wheelbarrow (yes, we touched ankles. I don’t think anyone breathes from an ankle…) up the main lot. Every parking space, add a merkin (1x, 2x, 3x, etc). When you get tired, swap with partner and reset count to 1. *Except*, every swap is an extra burpee (1, then 2, etc). I think most teams made it to the top around 6 or 7 burpees. Come back down until last group finishes. Pretty sure I saw one team almost all the way back to the start…
Part2: Pullups & BTTW
Part2.1: Pullup bars were frozen, no go. Head to hill and do a little homage to M4L’s intro workout for me. 11’s on the hill, squats at the top, burpees at the bottom (run backwards, of course). Ended with a circle of burpees.
Part 3: BTTW with a Irkin/Dirkin/Dipx5 timer. Repeat-o
Part 4: Bat Flipping time! I promised Pikachu some bat flipping opportunities, but he wanted to go stand still or something this morning. 8x Devil Burpees set the pace — line up in order how you finished.
Split into 4 “equal” teams based on order of finish. Relay race: last guy to finish ran to 1st light pole, 2nd to 2nd pole, and first guy to finish ran the whole lane. Winning team didn’t have to do burpees.
Repeato, only flip order. Nice job by the FNG here!
Recover on the very slow mosey.
Bear crawl back to the start.
Mary: Circle of Mary, 10 count each
Announcements: ?
T-Claps (Recognition): Great job seeing Tonka & an FNG out this morning.
Prayer: Peak Weak had a client die of cancer unexpectedly; only a few months from initial diagnosis to his passing; leaves behind family and small kids. Heartbreaking.
Good to be with you all for 4 years. Looking forward to a better year than 2020.