DB and M4L 2020-21 Reunion tour kickoff
I love Disney. It’s always been one of my favorite AOs. I remember the beta opening and Co-Site Qing it with Kid Cracker. So much to do, well lit, away from homes and no cars. 🙂 So that’s why this morning, M4L and I decided to leave those grounds and head for a dimly lit, residential street with more cars that I counted on!
We wanted to bring back an old favorite – the Jamison Park hill. Jamison Park was the original 12 Oaks (look it up) and it was great to see 7+ pax from the 12 Oaks hood make the journey to the east side for our Beat Down.
I planted the Shovel Flag on this 35 degree, cold, damp, foggy morning as 25 #HIM showed up in various clown cars.
FNGs: None
Warm Up: At 5:30 on the dot – we were off.
- Mosey out of the soccer field parking lot and head to Middle Creek High School.
- Stop at first intersection – Merkins x 20
- Hand Release Merkins x 20
- Mosey to end of road near Jamison Park entrance
- I forgot what we did
- Quick disclaimer to use your inside voices and we entered Jamison Park
The Workout:
Thang 1: Pakistani Dora
- Gather at the bottom of that big ass hill (At Jamison Park Drive and Wesley Ridge)
- Partner up for Pakistani Dora – one partner runs hill – other partner does reps with cumulative counts
- Turkish Get up x 100 (audible to 75)
- LBC x 200
- Squats x 300
- It sucked but great effort
- Even great effort by the White Accord that was paralyzed for several minutes by the sheer amount of man candy beside her car
Thang 2: The 7-11
to celebrate M4L’s first job in America – we moseyed to the half pipe for a round of 7-11s
- In the half pipe – do a set of 7s with Squats one one side – Star Jumps on the other side (6-1, 5-2, 4-3, 3-4, 2-5, 1-6)
- When you cross in the middle at the bottom – do 11 merkins (every time)
Jail break to flag
Bondo will be turning double Respect on Saturday so he led us in Mary
- Side plank dips
- Pickle Punders
- Social tonight at bombshell – HIM only – so M or 2.0
T-Claps (Recognition):
- Praise to Bondo son for coming thru surgery
- Peakweek co-worker
- Fanny M
- 187 M
- Breach Mother
Here was namorama: https://youtu.be/ywSU0FwHhB0
Breach took us out with a great message